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  • Hallo

    Zuallererst möchte ich sagen, dass hier die große Arbeit geleistet wird, und nun zu meinen Vorschlägen

    Ich habe mehrere Vorschläge für Mods.

    1. Verkehrszeichen

    2. Mehr Arten von Zäunen und Zauntore. Da können wir nur mit Holzzäunen schaffen, wenn nicht nur Steinmauern oder andere Mauerstücke verwenden.

    3. Fliesen für Boden und Wände.

    lass mich schüchtern vielleicht habe ich dieses oder jenes Moder unter euch jetzt eine Idee

    Edited 3 times, last by ebiline (May 23, 2018 at 12:26 PM).

  • Sandstone, yellowish brick and roof (to build things like pyramids, they look pretty horrible build with mortared stone).

    Extra large multi-block windows (no need for any functionality/animation, only need to work as a wall part for a room and look more special/less boring than vanilla glass).

  • First of all: Sorry if my English is bad.

    I have two suggestions.

    1. It would be nice if you could run cattle breeding.

    2. It would also be really cool if you could battle each other and also if monsters would come at night you could fight. A health-system and a couple of new weapons would be needed, of course. I think it would make the game much more intense and fun.

  • 2. It would also be really cool if you could battle each other and also if monsters would come at night you could fight. A health-system and a couple of new weapons would be needed, of course. I think it would make the game much more intense and fun.

    Sounds like you just want minecraft?

  • It whould be great if we have a MOD with which I can give people joining our community server for thefirst time give e.g. 1000 Ecocoins (or currency defined) as start money.

    On the 7.5.0 there is a law which trigger on first log in, you will be able to allocate money for the new player

    Another great mod whould be:
    Unload your excavator into stockpiles or trucks directly

    I have made a hopper to drop thing from excavator directly in (You can connect the hopper to a stockpile).
    That work fine but I think it will be a lot more complex to be able to drop directly in a stockpile sadly

  • Ore that regenerates after some time.
    Natural world blocks generating devise that can make dirt sand and stone from for example plant fiber.
    A eazy way to make a world with more ground depth.

    Edited 2 times, last by CasualeCruel (June 13, 2018 at 6:31 PM).

  • Quote

    Natural world blocks generating devise that can make dirt sand and stone from for example plant fiber.

    That is included in Creative Tools Pack, the Cardboard Box Blocks crafting station.
    If you want more I can also recommend the admin tool WorldEdit, it's chat command based, but the most powerful block editing tool we currently have for Eco.


    A eazy way to make a world with more ground depth.

    Display Spoiler

    Afaik, the most simple way at the moment to do that, open /Eco Server/Config/WorldGenerator.eco and search at the beginning of the file for

      "WaterLevel": 40,
      "Height": 100,
      "Module": {

    The 100 behind Height is the overall world height, the 40 is the sea level, measured in blocks.
    E.g.: I prefer to have less high mountains but deeper ocean and ability to dig deeper, so I changed WaterLevel value to 55, now the max mountain height is 45 instead of 60 blocks and ocean/dig deep is 55.
    Changes only affect new generated worlds.

  • Hello Lara.

    First of all thanks allot for all the helpfull info.
    To respond on the Creative Tools Pack, the thing is i need some thing like that, but it has to have a cost so it would stil be survival then i would love it.
    And about the WorldGenrator.eco file, i dit try some settings but because i dit not want deep sea i dint try to set the water level higher.
    Seems like the only way to get the base ground level up tho, hope some day they can make it be a setting on its own.
    Aneways thanks again!

    Greatings CasualeCruel.

  • Okay so currently there is a "bug" / feature in the game that allows html code into signs that will let you raise the text of the sign out of the boundary limits of the sign. As pictured here: [MEDIA=imgur]8mJYHJa[/MEDIA] Our server uses this in multiple locations because it allows for us to create some awesome labeling around our town. Well, looking at the github for Eco the developers are calling this a bug and they will be patching it out in 7.5 (or sooner) as seen here: https://github.com/StrangeLoopGames/EcoIssues/issues/8046. I was wondering if it would be possible to develop a mod that would keep this feature enabled because to some it is a feature while the devs are calling it a bug. I tried pleading my case to the devs but they just said we do not want it to work that way. So I was wondering if we could develop a mod that would enable this as it gets patched out? Thank you in advance for your assistance and consideration in the manner!

  • Okay so currently there is a "bug" / feature in the game that allows html code into signs that will let you raise the text of the sign out of the boundary limits of the sign. As pictured here: [MEDIA=imgur]8mJYHJa[/MEDIA] Our server uses this in multiple locations because it allows for us to create some awesome labeling around our town. Well, looking at the github for Eco the developers are calling this a bug and they will be patching it out in 7.5 (or sooner) as seen here: https://github.com/StrangeLoopGames/EcoIssues/issues/8046. I was wondering if it would be possible to develop a mod that would keep this feature enabled because to some it is a feature while the devs are calling it a bug. I tried pleading my case to the devs but they just said we do not want it to work that way. So I was wondering if we could develop a mod that would enable this as it gets patched out? Thank you in advance for your assistance and consideration in the manner!

    They seems to only limit the size of the text on the sign and not blocking sign to have floating text

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