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Kronox updated [plain]Asphalt-ModKit - Modding Framework[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]Asphalt MDK - Version[/plain]
"Holy tree Update"
- Updates to eco-8.3.3-beta and fixes corrosponding issues
- Fixes God-like trees that are invincible
Special thanks to @tazmatic for helping me out (y)
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should mampf drop modding i might take this over, its a brilliant mod
You should be able to submit fixes and new features as pull requests at any time. About everything else one would have to talk then ?♂️
It‘s great to hear that Eco-Mods will be further maintained as a platform in the future.
At this point in time once again a big thank you to @mampf and @Looh for bringing this community to life.
Always a pleasure to work with you! Hope to stay in contact with you sometime in the future!
Kronox submitted a new resource:
[plain][Asphalt MDK] ConsoleUser - Command-Line Chat Interface[/plain] - [plain]Enables you to use the chat via the server console. For both chat messages and commands.[/plain]
This mod uses the newest Version Asphalt MDK. This plugin is needed for the mod to work!
Enables you to use the chat via the server console. For both chat messages and commands.
Just go ahead and use the server console as if it is the in-game chat. Obviously, you should avoid executing commands that require a physical player in the game. These can...
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Kronox updated [plain][Asphalt MDK] Vein Miner[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]v.2.1.0 - New Worlds Update[/plain]
- added support for the new 'Lucky Break'-Talent
- added experience gain from breaking block using vein miner
(Thanks to @Crystalzone for the requests ;))
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@Crystalzone Kronox updated [plain][Asphalt MDK] Vein Miner[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]v.2.0.0 - "temporary permanent makeshift solution"[/plain]
Since I haven't managed to get a full-blown VeinMiner skill working yet, this release is, like I promised some users in private messages, a temporary version where the multipliers are defined in the "tmp_config.json".
- radius now defineable via '/veinminer radius, <radius>'
- rubble can be toggled on and off via '/veinminer togglerubble'
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Hey Eco Community,
ich hab das selbe Problem mit dem Server Mod Installieren.
Bei mir geht nichts obwohl ich alles genau so mache wie es beschrieben wird,
Sofern guide´s vorhanden sind.
Ich habe es auf meinem Nitrado Server versucht sowie beim Lokal Server vom Spiel.
In beiden fällen kann ich eine Verbindung aufbauen jedoch geht kein Mod.
Ich habe sogar das Glorious Bean Modpack v1.3 versucht aber dann geht nichts mehr.
Verwende ich das Modpack Local bekomme ich eine Fehlermeldung wo ich denke,
das es mit der Game Version zutun hat. Also wird das beim Nirtado Server ebenso sein.
Aber die Mod´s welche aktuell sind müssen doch gehen oder mache ich was falsch ?
Ein Beispiel : https://forum.play.eco/resources/jd-shelf.90/
wäre jemand so nett und würde mir genau sagen was ich bei diesem Mod wo einfügen muss und soll ?
Ich danke schon mal für die Hilfe
P.s Ich habe jetzt die Daten von https://forum.play.eco/resources/asph…g-framework.47/ in den Mods
ordner gezogen und nach dem Server Neustart waren die Dateien weg aus dem Mods Ordner.
Was hat das zu bedeuten ?
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@buddlbuddl auch wenn ich bei Nitrado nicht ganz auf dem neusten Stand bin, kann ich mich daran erinnern, dass sie vor einiger Zeit die Nutzung von Mods eingeschränkt hatten und .dll-Datein automatisch aus dem Mods Ordner gelöscht haben. Nach deinen Beschreibungen zu Folge kann ich mir gut vorstellen, dass dies auch weiterhin der Fall ist. Schau dich in den Servereinstellungen am besten nochmal um, ob es dort mittlerweile eine Funktion zum einfügen von Mods gibt. Da ich selbst keinen Nitrado-Server habe und nie einen besessen habe kann ich dir darüber hinaus befürchte ich nicht wirklich weiterhelfen.
Even though I'm not up to date with Nitrado, I remember that some time ago they restricted the use of mods and automatically deleted .dll files from the mods folder. According to your descriptions, I can well imagine that this is still the case. It's best to check the server settings to see if there's a tool for inserting mods. Since I don't have a Nitrado server and never owned one, I'm afraid there' s nothing more I can do to help you.)
Is it possible to get all objects of specified type with given range without iterating through all objects in the world?
To be honest, I don‘t think so. Of couse you are able to minimize the amout of Objects by referring to the Type e.g.:
However, I do not know of a more effective approach :confused:
Another noob here with a installation question. I have downloaded the Asphalt framework mod and have attempted to extract the mods file from the other better mods into the server mods file and they don't seem to work. Server just crashes on restart. I have been taking the mods file from the downloaded rar file from this site in the resources and dragged it into the server mods folder. I don't know if I am doing something wrong with the rar files compared to the zip file mods I've used. Any help would be great because I love the mods when I have used them on other servers and I'm trying to get my own up and running so it will stay up and running for a while . Thanks in advance for any help
@CDNWizard Can you just send me the logs after the server crashes?
A newbie noob server owner... If I download this, is the Bettermining part of this mod or I gotta download this AND Bettermining? Because installation instruction says to download this. If this mod have all the BetterMods then how do I disable the ones i don't want?
@Tiredman72 Asphalt is only a Modding Framework and does not alter The gameplay and experience of ECO at all. You‘ll have to install the mods (BetterMining e.g.) AND Asphalt
Kronox updated [plain]Asphalt-ModKit - Modding Framework[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]v. - 'Timber!'-Update[/plain]
- a buch of new events (special thanks to @ayan4m1 ;))
- performance tweaking
- and as always... Bug Fixes!
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@Disane87 If I am not completely wrong, everything important for the web server should be in the corresponding folder of your server (ServerRoot\WebClient\). So it shouldn't be a problem to add additional UI-Elements to the web interface, even though this requires replacing the files manually :confused: (Since there currently are no other mods performing simmilar action, theres nothing to interfere with).
I can't tell you exactly how the interface between the web UI to the Eco server works, but in any case it should be possible to create your own solution if needed.
So I don't really see what should prevent you from doing so (Even better, if you already have advanced development experience (y)), but it definitely sounds like an interesting project to me
Good luck
Kronox updated [plain]Asphalt-ModKit - Modding Framework[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]v. - And another one...[/plain]
- adjusted internal version number
- removed EcoExamplePlugin from the dowload archive
- same as before; if your server is already running fine on the previous version of Asphalt (v. without any problems, then you can probably ignore this update
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hab leider so ziemlich das selbe Problem.
@Flammenschwinge Bekommst du irgendwelche Fehlermeldungen?
Kronox updated [plain]Asphalt-ModKit - Modding Framework[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]v. - Reupload[/plain]
- Exchanged Download file, because the last one contained a MacOS specific folder, which might cause confusion or cause the server not to boot.
- If you have already updated to v. and everything is working, you can safely ignore the update.
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Kronox updated [plain]Asphalt-ModKit - Modding Framework[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]v.0.5.0 - Compatibility Update[/plain]
- some minor adjustments and fixes
- changes regarding the new Auth system
Thanks to @Tweez0r for reporting the Errors
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