Posts by Darklord6229

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    Okay so currently there is a "bug" / feature in the game that allows html code into signs that will let you raise the text of the sign out of the boundary limits of the sign. As pictured here: [MEDIA=imgur]8mJYHJa[/MEDIA] Our server uses this in multiple locations because it allows for us to create some awesome labeling around our town. Well, looking at the github for Eco the developers are calling this a bug and they will be patching it out in 7.5 (or sooner) as seen here: I was wondering if it would be possible to develop a mod that would keep this feature enabled because to some it is a feature while the devs are calling it a bug. I tried pleading my case to the devs but they just said we do not want it to work that way. So I was wondering if we could develop a mod that would enable this as it gets patched out? Thank you in advance for your assistance and consideration in the manner!