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  • I tried your mod, because it's great stuff in there, but only placeholders will be shown in the latest version. The placeholder for the object will be shown as a white cube with x-,y- and z-coordinates on it's sites. But not only some objects. All objects, that aren't vanilla. The automated doors are working, even if the texture is too light. I use 8.3.0.

    Edited once, last by ViraxoLP (October 18, 2019 at 6:30 PM).

  • hmm this is strange, i have had another report of this but only for people using macOSX are you in windows?

    I'm using Windows 10. Are incompatibilities known with other mods ?

    I'm playing on a server (I'm admin of the server) with other mods.

    For me it seems that the 3D modells are broken. But I don't know. It's just a suggestion.

  • hmm, might i ask if you are using the latest version of the modpack, and which other mods might you be using?
    also can you walk me through your installation process?

    Version 1.4.2, downloaded it. extracted and copied all contents into the Mods folder (Running server on nodecraft)
    only other mod is the item transport one. applied egoistics

  • okay, going by your ServerLog this line stands out:

    [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "/home/container\ElixrMods\" is denied.[2019-11-19 17:40:38]

    This tells me that the Files that generated in the root Directory are not accessible, this could be nodecrafts settings, i will configure the modpack to make the file directory inside the Elixr Mods folder in the Mods Directory to help combatant this issue, i have a few other errors tofix up so ill include this in the next release which should be later today :)

    I'm using Windows 10. Are incompatibilities known with other mods ?

    I'm playing on a server (I'm admin of the server) with other mods.

    For me it seems that the 3D modells are broken. But I don't know. It's just a suggestion.

    Could you give me a list of the mods you are using so i can look into this further as i still can't seem to find the issue :/

    Edited once, last by Kye (November 25, 2019 at 4:42 AM).

  • Kye updated [plain]Elixr Mods[/plain] with a new update entry:

    [plain]Version Update V1.4.3[/plain]

    Read the rest of this update entry...

    Version 1.4.2, downloaded it. extracted and copied all contents into the Mods folder (Running server on nodecraft)
    only other mod is the item transport one. applied egoistics

    can you please try the new version and let me know if you still have that issue?

    I'm using Windows 10. Are incompatibilities known with other mods ?

    I'm playing on a server (I'm admin of the server) with other mods.

    For me it seems that the 3D modells are broken. But I don't know. It's just a suggestion.

    Can you please try the new version and let me know if you have the same problem

    Edited 2 times, last by Kye (November 25, 2019 at 10:06 AM).

  • okay, going by your ServerLog this line stands out:

    [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "/home/container\ElixrMods\" is denied.[2019-11-19 17:40:38]

    This tells me that the Files that generated in the root Directory are not accessible, this could be nodecrafts settings, i will configure the modpack to make the file directory inside the Elixr Mods folder in the Mods Directory to help combatant this issue, i have a few other errors tofix up so ill include this in the next release which should be later today :)

    Could you give me a list of the mods you are using so i can look into this further as i still can't seem to find the issue :/

    Sure, I will do it later this day. Sorry for answering so late.

    There are a few more to run :)

  • Kye updated [plain]Elixr Mods[/plain] with a new update entry:

    [plain]Introducing Zymology Skill[/plain]

    Read the rest of this update entry...

  • Hey Kye,

    I've got the time to test the modpacks again. Now all mods are working fine. Water Barrier (normal and white) don't have icons, but are working best. I start to show the modpacks on thursday and using it. Thanks for updating. Even if I didn't find the time to tell the mods I'm using, you've done best :)

    Thank you for these great mods ?

  • Hi Kye. Thanks for the modpack. Great job. Is it possible to access the icons of objects for their processing? We would like to create our own icon design. Is it possible?

    hi there! which icons in particular did you have in mind for change?

    im not that great at graphical design so if you would like to contribute to the pack with more updated and better looking icons i would be more then happy to implement them globally:)

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