Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.
[{"OnPlayerAction":{"Actions":[{"Action":"Place","Query":{"Item":"Stone Road"}}],"Result":{"Condition":[{"Condition":{"OnProperty":"MainRoad"},"Result":{"Allocate":{"Amount":{"Constant":1},"Currency":"Mithril"}}},"Allow"]}}},{"OnPlayerAction":{"Actions":[{"Action":"Pick Up","Query":{"Item":"Stone Road"}}],"Result":{"Condition":[{"Condition":{"OnProperty":"MainRoad"},"Result":{"Tax":{"Amount":{"Constant":1},"Currency":"Mithril"}}},"Allow"]}}},{"OnPlayerAction":{"Actions":[{"Action":"Place","Query":{"Item":"Stone Ramp"}}],"Result":{"Condition":[{"Condition":{"OnProperty":"MainRoad"},"Result":{"Allocate":{"Amount":{"Constant":2},"Currency":"Mithril"}}},"Allow"]}}},{"OnPlayerAction":{"Actions":[{"Action":"Pick Up","Query":{"Item":"Stone Ramp"}}],"Result":{"Condition":[{"Condition":{"OnProperty":"MainRoad"},"Result":{"Tax":{"Amount":{"Constant":2},"Currency":"Mithril"}}},"Allow"]}}}]
This is exported. If i try to import it the server simply crash.
Yes, but it happened when i updated this mod. I used it and all other nods before and we had no problem. There was no update on the other mods
Hi! It looks like the last update bugged the Stores - im no longer able to add skill scrolls to the store. Can someone confirm that?
No. You must edit the value of the config then new player will get this amount of stars.
Thats the point - if u edit it and set it to 1 you get NO extra star, if u set it to 2 u get TWO extra stars.
yes i understand that but new players also only get 1 star AFTER the mod is installed?!
I wouldn't say that it is a bug. After first load the config is written with the value of 1. And you'll find a subdirectory named users whre your userid is saved. Next time you login you don't get additional stars. If you delete the file you'll get the value of stars of the config file.
Maybe it's a good idea to rollout a config with the value 1 and the user can change that value. But I've no problem with the mod so far.
that would mean i have to delete it for every new player that will join?
I found a bug. If u change to config to 1 you get no bonus star (only the star u have without the mod), but if u change to 2 you get 2 extra stars (sum of 3).
U need asphalt Modkit for it
You can do so in the worldgeneration file, you can set the percentage you want for the different types of ores, you will need to generate new world offcourse.
Thats not what i asked. The mod turns sandstone rubble into iron ore. But it has a 100% chance to do this. I asked for a probability (for example 20% chance).
I used the Resetjob skill on Hunting and it also removed the Butchery skill of the player
I love this mod sooooo much! Thanks for your work. Is it possible to add a command for removing a special skill (for example Hewing) and is it possible to add a command for level up a skill to a given level (for example level Hewing to level 5)?
Thanks a lot!
it would be amazing if you add a command to send a player and OKpopup
If you choose the Lucky Breaking talent it always transforms sandstone to iron ore! It would be great to add a config to adjust the probability of getting ore instead stone.
if u copied the content into the mods folder it should work - u can manual install the mod by adding the recipies to the AutoGen folder (you need to override the existing files)
u used the bat files or manual install?
Is it possible to remove all skills from a player with admin command or something like that?
Is it possible to remove (delete not ban) a user? Best would be with command!
Is it possible to disable or modify recipies? I added the Garbager mod and want to disable the orginal Asphalt Road recipe or make it more expensive.
Thx for helping!