No config file in directoy

Big Shovel [Asphalt MDK]
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No config file in directoy
The config are generated when you launch the server with the mod a first time
But I didn't test changing the config with the 8.0, some config can have problem and don't work -
I hadnt launched server... now it there
Hi Kirthos, just wanted to ask if it's possible to edit the info, because if you change the stacksize of the LandScapeItems file your shovel can dig WAY more than 10 blocks , so the shovel can carry to your configurated stacklimit of Dirt,Sand and Clay. (Works for me with 64 Stacksize ^^)
Besides of that it's a great mod, keep up the good work -
I just wanted to report, I have the same issue as @Minikea
I just wanted to report, I have the same issue as @MinikeaSame issue here.
**HOWEVER** I have verified the durability and the repair station DOES work with the config!
Acts like it is not reading the config file.
Here is my file...
"IronBigShovel": {
"$type": "Kirthos.Mods.BigShovel.ToolStorage, BigShovel",
"durability": 99999.0,
"calories": 1.0,
"repair": {
"item": "IronIngotItem",
"quantity": 1.0
"craft": {
"enable": true,
"table": "AnvilObject",
"craftMinutesTime": 0.5,
"ingredients": [
"item": "BoardItem",
"quantity": 1.0
"item": "IronIngotItem",
"quantity": 1.0
"SteelBigShovel": {
"$type": "Kirthos.Mods.BigShovel.ToolStorage, BigShovel",
"durability": 99999.0,
"calories": 1.0,
"repair": {
"item": "SteelItem",
"quantity": 1.0
"craft": {
"enable": true,
"table": "AnvilObject",
"craftMinutesTime": 0.5,
"ingredients": [
"item": "BoardItem",
"quantity": 1.0
"item": "SteelItem",
"quantity": 1.0
"ModernBigShovel": {
"$type": "Kirthos.Mods.BigShovel.ToolStorage, BigShovel",
"durability": 99999.0,
"calories": 1.0,
"repair": {
"item": "FiberglassItem",
"quantity": 1.0
"craft": {
"enable": true,
"table": "AssemblyLineObject",
"craftMinutesTime": 0.5,
"ingredients": [
"item": "FiberglassItem",
"quantity": 1.0
"item": "SteelItem",
"quantity": 1.0
} -
hi i changed the configs to change the price, restarted the server, but it didnt show the change, even with a new anvil
"IronBigShovel": {
"$type": "Kirthos.Mods.BigShovel.ToolStorage, BigShovel",
"durability": 200.0,
"calories": 20.0,
"repair": {
"item": "IronIngotItem",
"quantity": 20.0
"craft": {
"enable": true,
"table": "AnvilObject",
"craftMinutesTime": 10.0,
"ingredients": [
"item": "BoardItem",
"quantity": 50.0
"item": "IronIngotItem",
"quantity": 50.0
"SteelBigShovel": {
"$type": "Kirthos.Mods.BigShovel.ToolStorage, BigShovel",
"durability": 500.0,
"calories": 15.0,
"repair": {
"item": "SteelItem",
"quantity": 20.0
"craft": {
"enable": true,
"table": "AnvilObject",
"craftMinutesTime": 20.0,
"ingredients": [
"item": "BoardItem",
"quantity": 50.0
"item": "SteelItem",
"quantity": 50.0
"ModernBigShovel": {
"$type": "Kirthos.Mods.BigShovel.ToolStorage, BigShovel",
"durability": 1000.0,
"calories": 10.0,
"repair": {
"item": "FiberglassItem",
"quantity": 20.0
"craft": {
"enable": true,
"table": "AssemblyLineObject",
"craftMinutesTime": 30.0,
"ingredients": [
"item": "FiberglassItem",
"quantity": 50.0
"item": "SteelItem",
"quantity": 100.0
} -
What is the install path for this mod? It says check the installation guide tab, but I don't see that on the forums.
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