Posts by Shoe73

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    Shoe73 added a new file:

    October 9, 2020 at 9:30 AM

    Shoe73 added a new file:

    October 9, 2020 at 9:20 AM

    Shoe73 added a new file:

    October 9, 2020 at 9:00 AM

    Shoe73 added a new file:

    September 23, 2020 at 1:56 AM

    Tired of players getting a book from the research table just to hand scrolls out to everyone? Want to make your server more challenging? This mod will not allow books to be made on the research table, only scrolls, thus stopping players from making too many scrolls and giving them away.

    Place and overwrite the files in Mods\AutoGen\Tech\

    * Be sure and backup the files before you overwrite them.

    Join us on Discord @

    Join Our Game server @

    I just wanted to report, I have the same issue as @Minikea

    Same issue here.

    **HOWEVER** I have verified the durability and the repair station DOES work with the config!

    Acts like it is not reading the config file.

    Here is my file...

    "IronBigShovel": {
    "$type": "Kirthos.Mods.BigShovel.ToolStorage, BigShovel",
    "durability": 99999.0,
    "calories": 1.0,
    "repair": {
    "item": "IronIngotItem",
    "quantity": 1.0
    "craft": {
    "enable": true,
    "table": "AnvilObject",
    "craftMinutesTime": 0.5,
    "ingredients": [
    "item": "BoardItem",
    "quantity": 1.0
    "item": "IronIngotItem",
    "quantity": 1.0
    "SteelBigShovel": {
    "$type": "Kirthos.Mods.BigShovel.ToolStorage, BigShovel",
    "durability": 99999.0,
    "calories": 1.0,
    "repair": {
    "item": "SteelItem",
    "quantity": 1.0
    "craft": {
    "enable": true,
    "table": "AnvilObject",
    "craftMinutesTime": 0.5,
    "ingredients": [
    "item": "BoardItem",
    "quantity": 1.0
    "item": "SteelItem",
    "quantity": 1.0
    "ModernBigShovel": {
    "$type": "Kirthos.Mods.BigShovel.ToolStorage, BigShovel",
    "durability": 99999.0,
    "calories": 1.0,
    "repair": {
    "item": "FiberglassItem",
    "quantity": 1.0
    "craft": {
    "enable": true,
    "table": "AssemblyLineObject",
    "craftMinutesTime": 0.5,
    "ingredients": [
    "item": "FiberglassItem",
    "quantity": 1.0
    "item": "SteelItem",
    "quantity": 1.0

    Which older version are you using?
    currently 1.0.3 crashes when loading up 8.0.6 on a private server

    i'm also getting that error as mentioned above

    [02:00:57] Server Initialization finished in 9,096.4ms
    [02:00:57] Failed to load server, Exception was Exception: ArgumentException
    Message:An item with the same key has already been added.
    System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
       at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
       at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
       at Eco.World.BlockManager..cctor()


    You can get it here

    [URL unfurl="true"][/URL]

    This is not working with 8.0.6

    Throwing this error

    [03:30:02] Exception: MissingMethodException
    Message:Method not found: 'Eco.Simulation.Agents.Plant Eco.Gameplay.Plants.PlantBlock.get_Plant()'.

    System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Eco.Simulation.Agents.Plant Eco.Gameplay.Plants.PlantBlock.get_Plant()'.
    at Eco.Mods.WorldEdit.WorldEditBlock.CreateNew(Block pBlock, Vector3i pPosition, Nullable`1 pSourcePosition)
    at Eco.Mods.WorldEdit.WorldEditCommands.Stack(User user, String pDirectionAndAmount)