Beiträge von CaptainCaveman

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    i have my own server, this is my groups 3rd world. we are down to using 0.5xp as we all tend to beat it in a week or so. we always find it a shame that we dont get to use the diggers until super endgame, pretty much when the game is already over.

    so i was wondering weather it would be possible for the admin (Me) to spawn in some vehicles, then rent them out for limited periods of time. its my understanding you can do this with houses but how would i do this with vehicles?

    hi i changed the configs to change the price, restarted the server, but it didnt show the change, even with a new anvil

    "IronBigShovel": {
    "$type": "Kirthos.Mods.BigShovel.ToolStorage, BigShovel",
    "durability": 200.0,
    "calories": 20.0,
    "repair": {
    "item": "IronIngotItem",
    "quantity": 20.0
    "craft": {
    "enable": true,
    "table": "AnvilObject",
    "craftMinutesTime": 10.0,
    "ingredients": [
    "item": "BoardItem",
    "quantity": 50.0
    "item": "IronIngotItem",
    "quantity": 50.0
    "SteelBigShovel": {
    "$type": "Kirthos.Mods.BigShovel.ToolStorage, BigShovel",
    "durability": 500.0,
    "calories": 15.0,
    "repair": {
    "item": "SteelItem",
    "quantity": 20.0
    "craft": {
    "enable": true,
    "table": "AnvilObject",
    "craftMinutesTime": 20.0,
    "ingredients": [
    "item": "BoardItem",
    "quantity": 50.0
    "item": "SteelItem",
    "quantity": 50.0
    "ModernBigShovel": {
    "$type": "Kirthos.Mods.BigShovel.ToolStorage, BigShovel",
    "durability": 1000.0,
    "calories": 10.0,
    "repair": {
    "item": "FiberglassItem",
    "quantity": 20.0
    "craft": {
    "enable": true,
    "table": "AssemblyLineObject",
    "craftMinutesTime": 30.0,
    "ingredients": [
    "item": "FiberglassItem",
    "quantity": 50.0
    "item": "SteelItem",
    "quantity": 100.0

    i have the asphalt kit, i have also installed other mods dependent on asphalt. but for some reason its not giving stars. i put the extrastartbars folder in the mod folder of the server, i rally want this to work, it seems temperamental one time i got 3 stars, and 3 times none. and only a few times i got 1

    what channel do i check?

    its a private server, specifically my server