As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.
7.4 Note:
Unnecessary for 7.4, since Vanilla was rebalanced and Pollutes More than Pollute More.
If I still believe a further rebalance is required, I'll update this.
Simple flat 15% increase in pollution from Vanilla CO2 emmiters.
Vehicles are not touched at the moment - their levels are OK compared to the machines' levels
Overwrite all in Mods\Autogen\WorldObject
Future Plans:
Different increases/rebalances may come later.
Compatibility Notes:
Make sure you don't overwrite changes by other mods!
This is a simple mod that should probably be installed first and overwrote later.
Made by Gabeux with suggestions from the Glorious Bean Co-Op community.
Tested & Ran on the Glorious Bean Server.
Thanks and enjoy!
Version 1.0
Gabeux -
May 1, 2018 at 1:41 AM -
8.35 kB -