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Tested on 7.4.0 Staging - working.
As all humans require shelter and learning how to handle materials before progressing technology further, this mod uses that as a weak excuse to put all construction skills under it.
Removes all Construction Specializations and moves all Construction Skills into one free, research-required specialization - Builder. The skills themselves still have the usual SP costs.
- All Construction skills is now under one specialization: Builder. Specialization that is learned instantly when you read the scroll - no SP cost for unlocking the Specialization and does not add to further Specialization costs.
- All Construction skills overall cost is now +2 SP to offset for the free specialization cost.
- Research costs and time for the Builder skill/tech is a sum of the requirements for the 3 Vanilla Construction skills, requiring more Iron Ore instead of Steel and 10 minutes (slighlty lower overall requirements/time).
- Builder research takes place as the requirement for further research that would otherwise require a Construction research (e.g. Basic Engineering now requires Builder instead of Stone Construction).
Copy over /Mods and Overwrite all.
Compatiblity Notes:
Beware Wood Construction, Stone Construction and Metal Construction Specializations are disabled - mods that count on their existence will not work.
Those mods can be made compatible by requiring BuilderSkill instead.
Future Plans:
Will update the mod if rebalancing/compatibility/version migration is required.
When developers overhaul the construction skills and tech tree this mod will probably be rendered obsolete.
Made by Gabeux with suggestions from the Glorious Bean Co-Op community, for the Glorious Bean Server Modpack.
Icons made by my wife - Ma [Ma#4039] using Eco assets.
Directly inspired by Construction Skill Mod by…ser/&userID=774PTTPost - reading his mod helped me learn!
Tested & Ran on the Glorious Bean Server.
Version 1.0
(1) -
Gabeux -
May 1, 2018 at 7:17 PM -
133.57 kB -
Version V1.0.0
Gabeux -
May 1, 2018 at 4:11 AM -
133.28 kB -
Version v.1.0
Gabeux -
May 1, 2018 at 4:02 AM -
31.21 kB -
Works perfectly. Only suggestion might be to re-arrange the layout if possible so that its more compact for the location of the skills, or posibbly even have some be pre-reqs for others, ie Stone Construction needed for Brick Construction, Wood for Lumber, etc