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Planetary Defense (Gated Lasers) makes it so Lasers and Computer Lab requires all research to be done before
unlocking them (Planetary Defense being the very last tech in the tech tree), along with making Lasers and
Computer Lab more expensive/slower to craft.
Planetary Defense is a new specialization under the Engineer profession.
- Require Planetary Defense Research (expensive, 24h duration, final research) to be done in order to craft
Lasers/Computer Lab.
- Makes Lasers/Computer Lab more expensive in resources/time.
- Require twice mas many lasers [8] to destroy the meteor and take 60% more power to fire.
Not a good idea to start working on saving the world with only 1-2 days left for a meteor to hit.
Copy over /Mods and Overwrite all.
Compatibility Notes:
Planetary Defense makes lasers and computer labs require the PD research in order to be unlocked. Mods that
change the Laser/Computer lab files will cause issues - either edit them or it becomes uncompatible!
Future Plans:
Dynamic difficulty, meteor regen and a couple more features are in my mind for this mod, but I might just not have the time to do it.
If someone does it first I'll try to enable integration of the mods - feel free to contact me if I haven't contacted you yet.
Made by Gabeux with suggestions from the Glorious Bean Co-Op community, for the Glorious Bean Server Modpack.
Icons made by my wife - Ma [Ma#4039] using Eco assets.
Tested & Ran on the Glorious Bean Server.
Version 1.0.1
Gabeux -
May 1, 2018 at 7:16 PM -
119.65 kB -
Version v1.0.1
Gabeux -
May 1, 2018 at 3:15 AM -
119.42 kB -