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  • HeNine submitted a new resource:

    [plain]Irony[/plain] - [plain]Makes metals possible/easier to get.[/plain]


    Makes metal ores easier to get by making them part of mining normal stones and by adding crafting recipes.

    In the wake of 8.0.0 world generation bugs, this mod restores some ability to have ores. It also works in properly generated worlds, if you just want to make getting ores easier.

    Four recipes are added to the Kiln:

    • Sandstone to Iron Ore
    • Granite to Copper Ore
    • Gneiss to Gold Ore
    • Logs to Charcoal

    In addition, ores appear randomly when mining the above stones.

    Read more about this resource...

  • Hi,
    first of all thanks for the nice Mod.
    is it possible to change the amount of ore what is coming out when mining stones? If I mine one granite stone I get 3 copper ore and one stone, thats a little too much in my oppinion. I would like to change the amount or maybe completely disable that, for me it would be enough to get it out of the kiln.

  • For crafting, it would be very easy to make it more expensive.
    Find the line [ICODE]new CraftingElement<GneissItem>(8)[/ICODE] in [ICODE]StonesToOre.cs[/ICODE] and change that 8 to something higher.

    For mining, it gets a bit more complicated, but it's still possible.
    You can open [ICODE]Mining.cs[/ICODE] and change the line
    [ICODE][BecomesRubble(typeof(GoldOreRubbleSet2Chunk1Object), typeof(GneissRubbleSet2Chunk2Object), typeof(GoldOreRubbleSet2Chunk3Object), typeof(GneissRubbleSet2Chunk4Object))][/ICODE]
    to something like
    [ICODE][BecomesRubble(typeof(GneissRubbleSet2Chunk1Object), typeof(GneissRubbleSet2Chunk2Object), typeof(GoldOreRubbleSet2Chunk3Object), typeof(GneissRubbleSet2Chunk4Object))][/ICODE]
    which should reduce the chance by half. I'm not sure if we can reduce it further but it may be possible.

  • Any chance you can make it so that instead of burning to charcoal it burns into coal? Or that we can press another type of rock into coal? If the point is to get more types of metals/resources that aren't commonly occurring, charcoal doesn't help when recipes call directly for coal.

    Thanks for reading.

    -- Lana.

  • I'm not sure how to add coal in a way that maintains 'flavor', but you could change the charcoal recipe to produce coal pretty easily. Just change line 78 in [ICODE]StonesToOre.cs[/ICODE] from [ICODE]new CraftingElement<CharcoalItem>(1f)[/ICODE] to [ICODE]new CraftingElement<CoalItem>(1f)[/ICODE].

  • Not sure what is going on, but others on my server get Iron from sandstone while I'm sitting here getting straight up sandstone every time.

    Edit: The only difference is I have the talent to remove the large debris, they all took the sweep one.
    Edit 2: I also do get copper and gold, just not iron for some strange reason.

    Edited 2 times, last by Arigas (February 26, 2019 at 7:29 PM).

  • Bug report: while this mod is active and the random mining ores option is enabled, if you place an rock chunk against a wall above the ground (so that it falls down) it has a chance to randomly mutate into the equivalent ore (Sandstone to Iron, Gneiss to Gold, ect.) I'm not sad about it on my single player server, but it could pose a problem for others.

    *edited for clarity*

  • If you choose the Lucky Breaking talent it always transforms sandstone to iron ore! It would be great to add a config to adjust the probability of getting ore instead stone.

    You can do so in the worldgeneration file, you can set the percentage you want for the different types of ores, you will need to generate new world offcourse.

  • You can do so in the worldgeneration file, you can set the percentage you want for the different types of ores, you will need to generate new world offcourse.

    Thats not what i asked. The mod turns sandstone rubble into iron ore. But it has a 100% chance to do this. I asked for a probability (for example 20% chance).

  • Thats not what i asked. The mod turns sandstone rubble into iron ore. But it has a 100% chance to do this. I asked for a probability (for example 20% chance).

    ahh ok i see, yeah that should be doable to do in the mod, i just checked the files in the mod as i downloaded it earlier today, and there hasnt been put in those probability codes yet, im not gonna steal his mod so that the author can do himself, shouldnt be too hard to add really and then we can modifiy the chances as we want them after ;)

  • Not sure what is going on, but others on my server get Iron from sandstone while I'm sitting here getting straight up sandstone every time.

    Edit: The only difference is I have the talent to remove the large debris, they all took the sweep one.
    Edit 2: I also do get copper and gold, just not iron for some strange reason.

    Hi , i'm also have this problem, i can make it to get Iron from Limestone, but it will not function with Sandstone.
    Did Anyone have a clue??

  • Hello everyone, i got this too that sometimes it transforms sandstone then nothing while other players get often the change.
    The workaround i found was to modify the lines directly in Mods/Autogen/Rubble. It seems the game doesn't prioritize the mod file now and is buging a bit (maybe because of [Serialized] line on original file). It's working perfectly for me now after the changes on 8.3.3.

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