it would be amazing if you add a command to send a player and OKpopup

NidToolbox Server Tools: MOTD, Moderators, permission levels, announcements
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.
This plugin is pretty epic! I think the only thing missing is the commands that were added in the last patch to be available for moderators. Thanks so much for making this plugin!!!!!!!Thanks, I will add these in the upcoming patch.
it would be amazing if you add a command to send a player and OKpopupThanks for the suggestion, I will add it to the next patch.
nid updated [plain][Asphalt MDK] NidToolbox Server Tools: MOTD, Moderators, permission levels, announcements[/plain] with a new update entry:
Quote- Added new command /nid-SendPopUp (accepts string message and target user) - it will send a PopUp confirmation message (with OK button) to the target user. Please note - due to construction of the message window with OK button, the message should be kept short. Thanks to @hami for suggestion!
- Changed default permission for /nid-Rules from Moderator to User. This command displays server Rules if enabled and set.
- Plugin Code...
thank you for fixing this, I can actually use it now!
nid updated [plain][Asphalt MDK] NidToolbox Server Tools: MOTD, Moderators, permission levels, announcements[/plain] with a new update entry:
Quote- Added new command /nid-LawBanCurrency (accepts string currency) - it will issue a Law that prevents minting of specified currency. Note that it will be impossible to mint this currency, however the existing coins of this currency will be kept. To destroy these use: /nid-ZeroOutCurrency.
- Added Patcher that can propagate changes from the Plugin update to the existing commands in configs.
- Changed default permission of /nid-MotdShow to User...
I love this mod sooooo much! Thanks for your work. Is it possible to add a command for removing a special skill (for example Hewing) and is it possible to add a command for level up a skill to a given level (for example level Hewing to level 5)?
Thanks a lot!
I love this mod sooooo much! Thanks for your work. Is it possible to add a command for removing a special skill (for example Hewing) and is it possible to add a command for level up a skill to a given level (for example level Hewing to level 5)?Thanks a lot!
Hey there. Most likely when Eco reaches 0.9, as a lot of things will be changing. For now, you can use the existing give spec command to achieve similar effect:)
nid updated [plain][Asphalt MDK] NidToolbox Server Tools: MOTD, Moderators, permission levels, announcements[/plain] with a new update entry:
QuoteThanks go to @hami for his suggestions.
- Added new /nid-SetJobLevel (accepts: targetUser, string skillName, integer level) - sets skill level to indicated level, including levelling up and down. Note: For levelling down, affected player will be kicked briefly to allow for UI update.Their Talents in the skill will be reset, so they can pick them again. Levelling up does not require kick, nor talents reset...
Just a quick note to the latest update:
Somehow while uploading the latest patch, forum did not change the version number to the 1.4.0. I have uploaded the same file again and the thread is of the correct version now.
If you downloaded the 1.4.0 file last time, there is no need to re-download it, as it was only typo in the thread. -
I used the Resetjob skill on Hunting and it also removed the Butchery skill of the player
I used the Resetjob skill on Hunting and it also removed the Butchery skill of the playerHey, thanks for the report. The method that does the job reset can only ever select one skill, so it is impossible for it to remove more than one speciality.
On top of that server console and log can tell you exactly which skill was reset by the command. -
nid updated [plain][Asphalt MDK] NidToolbox Server Tools: MOTD, Moderators, permission levels, announcements[/plain] with a new update entry:
Quote- Changed /nid-RefundSpecPoints into /nid-ResetPlayer. Accepts player name, and a true/false value for whether it should only refund specialisation points via option: "onlyRefundPoints". Very useful in the beginning of the game when newer players make mistakes with their skills distribution. By default it will reset the player to the starting state, as they were when first logging to...
i did make "First and Second position set to" right, and how can i delete that region?
//delete or //remove or //delete region -
I'm somewhat new to this...But i am unable to locate the config file to for configuration the admin/mod list.
Welcome to Eco
Plugin will make this config file during it's first run. It will be located in Mods/Nidtoolbox/Settings.json
You however don't need to edit it outside of game if you don't like it. You can also add moderators from within the game via commands. (See overview on this page for details). Plugin will then update this file automatically. This also goes for any other setting you want to change/alter.
If you have any more questions feel free to ask here or hit me up on discord - nid#3035
Welcome to EcoPlugin will make this config file during it's first run. It will be located in Mods/Nidtoolbox/Settings.json
You however don't need to edit it outside of game if you don't like it. You can also add moderators from within the game via commands. (See overview on this page for details). Plugin will then update this file automatically. This also goes for any other setting you want to change/alter.
If you have any more questions feel free to ask here or hit me up on discord - nid#3035
Thank you for your response, how ever i feel like i misunderstood part of the mod, i thought by pop up messages you could set automatic ones, letting players know when the restart is coming, is that possible with this mod? -
Automatic ones, not yet, but I will be adding them in the upcoming patch. For now you can send your own ones via the command at the time you decide is right.
My plan is to add what is like a scheduled message, that will appear at a certain time intervals. When it comes to game engine, we have no way to access or hook to a pre-restart time to inject the command there, hence the automatization of it can be hard.
When it comes to restarts though, what I do is simply send the manual command to the server before the restart is performed. When devs add RCON or telnet it will be much much easier, until then we have to cope with what we have
You can send the chat announcement, one in window or window with a confirmation button. There is no way currently in game to mix it with automatic restarts sadly.
If you have a way to send commands to your server remotely, then you can simply use batch or bash script (if on linux) and put command like /nid-AnnouncePopUp for example.
Would love the property-related commands (AddToDeed, RemoveFromDeed) and RepairAllRooms to be made available
Thanks for the suggestion! I will add these after the weekend when I am back home.
Added in version 1.5.1 -
nid updated [plain][Asphalt MDK] NidToolbox Server Tools: MOTD, Moderators, permission levels, announcements[/plain] with a new update entry:
Quote- Added property related commands: nid-AddToDeed, nid-RemoveFromDeed, nid-RepairAllRooms; (Thanks for Praefator for suggestion!)
- Vanilla commands run silently and do not provide any textual info on what happen, hence the logic of the added commands has been changed slightly, by adding feedback to issuing user as well as to target user about whether the command was successful and which plot it targeted. Displays errors if they occur.
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