Getting periodically stats about the enviroment

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  • After a successfull login I get a summary of the changes in the world (new plants/animals) which I want to use to post this into our discord channel.
    For this I guess I can use [ICODE]Eco.Stats.OrganismStats.GetPopulationStats()[/ICODE] is this correct?

    Aftet that I want to iterate over this with a list and create a string for that to push it to discord, but currently the string is always empty. Am I missing something?

    Edited 2 times, last by Disane87 (October 5, 2018 at 12:13 PM).

  • I just set my vs up like yours but the mod dlls isn't loaded. Am I missing something?

    ok, I should set the debug output to the eco server path, now it works! Hopefully I can debug my own code :D
    Actually it was pretty horrible and trial and error withotu proper debugging it

    Edited once, last by Disane87 (October 9, 2018 at 11:27 PM).

  • @mampf That's a good way to debug the mod, I was using another method which is more time consuming then that.

    What I did is use dev tier to load server in debug mode etc, but I prefer what you posted here and will be using this to debug my mods from now on, Thanks!!

    This is pretty good imho and works like a charm.
    Just got it working with vscode flawlessly :) A bit tricky but vscode is prefered by me:

    Edited 2 times, last by Disane87 (October 10, 2018 at 11:29 AM).

  • I got it :) Not the best approach but it's okay for the first try:

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