Maybe it's a mod which does not work properly.
Is it working if you delete all mods?
Please do a copy of your server and try with the copied files - it may cause world issues when you delete all mods.
Maybe it's a mod which does not work properly.
Is it working if you delete all mods?
Please do a copy of your server and try with the copied files - it may cause world issues when you delete all mods.
I'm a little bit confused
But if you know how it's working that's fine - Maybe you know it better than me
My idea how it should work:
The mod adds the amount of stars from the config file to a player on the first join after the mod is installed.
This happens exactly only one time (except you delete the stored files from the mod folder).
If you set 1 in the config file you get 2 stars, because you got 1 eco default star and 1 additional.
If you modify the value in the config after the star was added to the player, nothing will change to the players, who already got anything.
mampf submitted a new resource:
[plain]Extra start stars[/plain] - [plain]Add exta stars on first login[/plain]
QuoteThis mod adds an configurable amount of stars to an user.
It will add the stars on the first login after this mod is installed.
So users which are already playing, will also get extra stars.
You can also try to put the 0Harmony.dll in the same folder then the .exe file.
mampf updated [plain]Asphalt-ModKit - Modding Framework[/plain] with a new update entry:
Quote- Fix dlldumper for latest version
- Changed hook for ConsoleInputEvent.
This should solve the bug that when using mono stop signals are not proceed - Please test
mampf updated [plain]WorldEdit[/plain] with a new update entry:
Quote- fix //set air
The mod Cheesetable and Prepwork does not support version 8.2.1
Yes all commands are admin only.
I assume that a player should never use any command, because you can destroy the whole world very easily.
Can you tell me a reason why a player should use world edit?
Maybe it would make sense when the player can modify only a specific region. But this is not possible, yet.
Did you test it on 8.1.4?
mampf submitted a new resource:
[plain]Eco Database Compress / Collection remover[/plain] - [plain]Shrink the Game.db file[/plain]
QuoteDisplay MoreWith this small tool you can shrink the size of your Game.db file.
0. Take a backup of your server
1. Extract the files.
2. Put your Storage/Game.db or OtherFileName.db into the same directory like the EcoDbCompress.exe
3. The filename must be Game.db. So rename it to Game.db if needed.
4. Start EcoDbCompress.exe
5. Open the json file and set the Collections to "true" which you want to remove
6. Start EcoDbCompress.exe again.
7. Replace the Game_output.db file with your old fileI...
Do you know the tutorial from phlo?
and the stuff on github?
Maybe this is not 100% up to date and you must update the modkit, but it should work very similar in the lastest version.
Also use a new .cs file from the Eco Mods/Autogen folder.
use //set air
We created our own hosting service: https://eco-server.host/
For sure I recommend our own servce
You can directly install mods from Eco-Mods in our Serverpanel. - We support mods!
mampf updated [plain]Asphalt-ModKit - Modding Framework[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]Changed Initialization Phases[/plain]
QuotePlease check the wiki for more information:
[URL unfurl="true"]https://github.com/EcoModsDevelop…/Asphalt-Plugin[/URL]
If you have still issues you can write me on discord, too ;)??
mampf updated [plain]WorldEdit[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]Update for 8.0.6[/plain]
QuoteI think there is currently something wrong with plants, but basically the mod is working.
Please test and give feedback!
Read the rest of this update entry...
I have tried to make a Lake a little bit bigger so i have dig one edge out...first the water floats in...but then it stops and now i have this hole:Can i use this mod to fill the Hole with Water? i Have tried it with //set Water but it doenst know the Blocktype Water?
I just tested the //set water command with Version 8.0.6
This is working for me fine. In your case you can use //replace air water
mampf updated [plain]Asphalt-ModKit - Modding Framework[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]Update for Eco[/plain]
QuoteUpdate for Eco
Leider geben wir keine Unterstützung mehr für das installieren von Mods.
Dies liegt daran, dass sehr viele Hoster irgendwelche Dinge sperren und wir in der Vergangenheit sehr viel
Zeit damit verbracht haben den Leuten zu erklären, dass es (meistens) nicht an den Mods liegt.
Aus diesem Grund haben wir unseren Hosting Service https://eco-server.host/ gegründet.
Wenn du also von uns (Admins) Support für die Installation von Mods bekommen willst, dann hole dir einen Server bei uns
Wir Admins von Eco-Mods haben einen sehr guten Draht zu vielen Mod- Entwicklern und können meistens sehr schnell
eine Lösung für solche Probleme finden.
Gleichzeitig unterstützt ihr diese Webseite hier
We (admins of eco-mods) don't longer support the installation of mods, because many hosters are blocking some files which causes lots of issues.
Because of these issues we created our own hosting service https://eco-server.host/. When you rent a server you will get help to install any mod.
When you pay a server from there you also support this website here
mampf updated [plain]Asphalt-ModKit - Modding Framework[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]Added ConsoleInputEvent[/plain]
QuoteAdded new event: ConsoleInputEvent :cool: