Spoffy submitted a new resource:
[plain]DiscordLink[/plain] - [plain]Integrates Eco with Discord, allowing messages from Eco to Discord and checking server status.[/plain]
Spoffy submitted a new resource:
[plain]DiscordLink[/plain] - [plain]Integrates Eco with Discord, allowing messages from Eco to Discord and checking server status.[/plain]
Thank you for this, any chance for one for streamers so we can chat to twitch users without a 3ed party means like a second screen, PC or tablet, if not this is still epic, I been wanting something like this.
Thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately Twitch is a completely different API, meaning a Twitch tool would essentially need building from the ground up Might be another modder interested in taking it on though
Thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately Twitch is a completely different API, meaning a Twitch tool would essentially need building from the ground up
Might be another modder interested in taking it on though
It was worth a ask I do like the idea of this, maybe we could add a few more functions for admins to maybe admin the server via discord when we are away to help out, I am not sure if it's possible but been able to kick a bad user or give skillpoints or other commands could be helpful
If not still epic work and I will be installing this on our next reboot
There is a little bug, the server returns the local IP for the server
Also is the discord channel not meant to post back to the game? is the chat only one way at the moment?
Maybe have a option in the discord settings to set meteor info on and off, and set the address manully if not set then default to that local IP
Looking at their github, this feature is not yet fully implemented, they only have parts of it working
There is a little bug, the server returns the local IP for the server
Also is the discord channel not meant to post back to the game? is the chat only one way at the moment?
Maybe have a option in the discord settings to set meteor info on and off, and set the address manully if not set then default to that local IP
The IP Issue is known - it's likely because you're behind a router or equivalent that's performing NAT. Adding in a manual override for IP is a good idea though - I'll add it into the next release.
In the first release, you can only send messages from Eco -> Discord (i.e, for announcements). Clay was exactly right - I'm currently working on full, two-way integration between in-game chat channels and Discord channels. It'll be in the next release too
Hey, My Bot just shows offline. any idea why this is?
@Spoffy I also have not got a problem where my bot now say's it's offline
You're not having any issues Rex? That's good, I think it might be an issue related to Falcon's server host. Thinking of ways to work around it.
Woops I means to say I have now got that problem my bot is saying it's offline I can't get it back online and I can't reset the server
Interesting. Do you have server logs you could send me? Or can you get in touch on Discord?
Coud it be because the Token keeps changing on page refresh? could be a problem on discord's end?
Even when the token changes, the old tokens should still be valid.
[BGCOLOR=transparent]Rex, who do you use to host?[/BGCOLOR]
Setup took me about 7-8mins to complete, but works like a charm,
Well done with this one, would love to see improvements on the setup process (maybe invite your bot and not have to create one)
But apart from that, I love this mod!
I host myself @Spoffy I am not getting any errors it's just no longer online in my discord channel.
Yes it seems it times out for some reason, I restarted the server after a few updates and it's now renabled the bot, maybe
a reconnect option to make just the bot didn't just lose connection to the channel and didn't report it?
Ah, interesting. I've not seen that before Rex. If you download and install 1.1.0-beta, you might get an error message when it closes the connection. If you do, could you post in here?
In the meantime, I'll look at making sure it automatically reconnects.
Edit: AutoReconnect is enabled by default. Might be something else. Try the above and let me know if anything appears when it disconnects!
Yep I will update and I will report back if it happens again
The demo seems to work I added the guild and channel and now chat from discord seems to work but it dose not send messages back maybe if you detected the @Discord user in game and if that's been seen it will send the message back without /discordmessage, as that dose work, but in the chat we can click the discord channel user @Discord and it will change the chat reply so if we can detect the @Discord rather then just/discordmessage
Just a idea
Seems on a server reboot it forgets the channel infomation.
OK the chat randomy started to show without the /discordmessage not sure why there was a lag there.
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