Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.
You can also find items you want to change and edit like this:
[MaxStackSize(100)] <<--- HERE (before 20, now 100)
public partial class IronPipeItem :
public override LocString DisplayName { get { return Localizer.DoStr("Iron Pipe"); } }
public override LocString DisplayDescription { get { return Localizer.DoStr("A pipe for transporting liquids."); } }
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I suggest you to open the Mods folder with an advanced text editor (like Notepad++, VS Code, Atom) and to search in all files "[MaxStackSize(5 or 10 or 20)]"
So you can easily edit all your items
The mentioned mod doing exactly these things
There are plenty of law examples in official discord channel #law-examples, you can also use #law-help
They plan to remove at all papermilling as a separate profession. So no point to do anything with paper since it will be not actual in near future
to get sources you need to buy eco dev pack
scale should work, try to use tool instead of value editor.
you can also try to create an empty object, put your obj inside and then scale new object
if you enable live update on server its enough to reconnect client
Hello everyone,
is the ModKit link and the Unity Version 2019.1.8 still the right version to use ?
Im using 2019.2.21f1
I've seen and read the EcoModKit Wiki but I'm still very lost on how to actually properly get started, I'm very much a beginner in every regard when it comes to this so I know pretty much nothing when it comes to both coding and all. So the current tutorials on how to get started weren't very helpful to me
Well, when i started modding i was like you and used only that manual. Just try to make Ceiling light tutorial step by step its pretty clear and detailed
Wise hat eine neue Datei hinzugefügt:
Adds Clock objects into the game
March 23, 2021 at 10:54 PM
Adds clock objects.
Oldstyle clock:
- Crafted at Machinist Table (lumber+glass+gold ingot+gears)
- House value: 3 (Clock Category)
- Configurable timezones
- Can display in-game or real time
Wall clock:
- Crafted at Machinist Table (glass+iron ingot+gears)
- House value: 2 (Clock Category)
- Configurable timezones
- Can display in-game or real time
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or create a law that will unclaim all property of that user
[URL unfurl="true"]https://accounts.play.eco/roadmap[/URL]
Take a look this
You can try to make this using contracts system
/give <vehicle name> will give you an item you can then give to some one
what does the error says?
if you did exactly as described there and the version of eco is 0833 then should not be any problems. Show your mods folder