Eco supports a maximum of 100 players connected at the same time, the recommended value is below that.
Posts by Dennis
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As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.
No, Cloud Worlds do not support custom world sizes.
There really is no reason, other than balance, as we need it to be grindable for sand.
We did not yet define what exactly sand in Eco is, though, the common assumption is just "sand" as known to the average person, while we were basing it on clast size and proportion of clay, water and soil instead than mineral content. We'll definitely consider fixing gneiss, when we refine sands and soils in general.
Actually, it was always a decision between gneiss and schist and we just had to pick one to have one of all three main types of rock, but without having too many of them. Gneiss is more feasibly useful for building since schist loves to cleave.
No, I cannot comment on that any further, nor will there be a public statement, but basically:
We currently simply decided to stop marketing efforts in favour of expanding the company with developers in order to enhance the game and adding new developers in a company working full-remote with people over every single timezone simply takes a lot of organization efforts.
There will still be developer blogs on Steam and other platforms once there is new stuff ready to be announced, but for now there won't be streams or videos.
Keep in mind we're an indie company and those streams and videos were made by employees that had just some basic personal skills to do them (and back then we still had an office, before going full-remote), there never has been a dedicated person for that, actually and it never was a priority either. They were made as long as someone happened to be able to do it. Our budgeting is extremely limited and hence decisions have to be made on what it is expended on regularly. We just don't think it's time for marketing at this point.
This has been fixed in Update 9.4.3.
Sea level rise is irreversible, temperature rise is reversible to a degree.
Unfortunately that requires Steam Cloud, which we cannot use due to our savegames being extremely big, including the backups up to several dozen GBs. The singleplayer is just a simple server.
The forums software has been updated to the newest version, if there are any issues coming up, send me a message.
Good question, I have no idea. We don't have springs, seems more like some kind of graphical glitch.
Yes, you can configure it in in your server directory.
The easiest way to achieve what you want is lowering the "SpecialtyExperiencePerLevel": 25.0, value, lowering this by half will reduce the XP needed to level up in a skill by four times (exponential). -
You can do that by making it a service. If you don't know how that works, FireDaemon (paid software) can make it easy for you.
That's potentiall due to an outdated Delete that file and make sure the most recent template is used.
This might not be retroactively fixable, though. So it's possible you need to start a new game. -
Send a mail to [email protected] with your player logfiles from here:…o-game-log-file
We do not support migrations for major version changes or several minor changes.
The best bet you have is migrating from version to version with the original file (!). You will need to go to the backups folder in your storage folder and save the latest backup before you tried migration,
then use that savegame to upgrade from your version over every next step. So if your version is 8.3, you use the 9.0 client, start the save, then the 9.1 client and start the save and so on.
It's not officially supported though, as I stated at the beginning. -
That migration is full of mods, which we do not support.
Migrating modded saves over several versions (which would be the case with 10 months) is definitely not supported, so there is not really anything we could do. -
One does start every Friday around 21 CET. Every 4 weeks there is one week without a restart.
We'll very certainly not have that, as that doesn't fit the game design of currency being a easy to trade thing, but we'll keep the suggestion in mind.
Offline play is not an issue for the game - online play is. And without that restriction online play would be possible without restrictions.
I'm sorry, but we're not going to change this because of your personal opinion. Data shows the opposite to be true