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  • iam trying to get a model into my private server... i have managed to make a receipe and i get an object when i craft it but its just a white block, i think its only the script thats active and that the script isnt linked to my object. id like some help please.

  • I can help you with any information you need. You can also find me on discord @Phlo#6364.
    I will list a couple of the thing I've seen other modders get stuck in.
    1) Rename the Scene in unity to something unique, if there are two scenes with the same name in the server, the server might not boot or none of the models will be shown.
    2) After saving the scene, in your Project Files select the your scene and in the lower right side of the screen the is a area called Asset Labels and next to Asset Bundle > New and name it to something.

    3) After the bundle is built, the .unity3d file needs to be added in the ServerRoot/Mods/... as well as the .cs file that calls for the Item and the Object.
    4) All Objects and Items in the Hierarchy (Unity) need to be hidden before building the mod.
    5) All Objects must have the following components to be visible: Box or Mesh Collider, Mesh Renderer, Mesh Filter, and the Scripts(Auto Wrapper, Net Obj Component, Highlightable Object and World Object).
    6) The material of the model should have Curved/Standard Shader on it.

  • thanks just before i read ur post i managed to get it in game... but now it disapears when i place itXD... but iam still hapy i can hold my object... dont know where it went wrong the first try XD. should the mesh be named TrackObject as mentioned in the script? this try i named the mesh before export from maya to unity and this time it worked:) has the not able to be placed somthing to do with these changed/initate...etc... states?

    Edit: oh yeah i used the chair.cs as somthing like a template and disabled almost everything so it wont need a room and wont have any housing value

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