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  • Gneiss is (mostly) metamorphized granite and contains as much silica as granite does. It is only the arrangement of the constituent minerals that is changed by the metamorphosis (heat and pressure cause like minerals to form bands, similar to the stress of work hardening does in alloys), the actual chemical constituents remain the same. You do also get Dioritic Gneiss but even that is still primarily silicate material.

    Suggestion: Gneiss should be a silicate source for sand making, or change Gneiss to Schist or Phylite.

    I <3 rocks,

  • Dennis October 4, 2021 at 11:34 PM

    Approved the thread.
  • There really is no reason, other than balance, as we need it to be grindable for sand.

    We did not yet define what exactly sand in Eco is, though, the common assumption is just "sand" as known to the average person, while we were basing it on clast size and proportion of clay, water and soil instead than mineral content. We'll definitely consider fixing gneiss, when we refine sands and soils in general.

    Actually, it was always a decision between gneiss and schist and we just had to pick one to have one of all three main types of rock, but without having too many of them. Gneiss is more feasibly useful for building since schist loves to cleave.

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