City Worker Election
Kolvin has started an election to determine who should occupy the office of 'City Worker'. It is currently occupied by nobody. The election was finished.Election complete, winner is Krozzy.
Property City Worker
Election Process Basic Election
Eligible Candidates Active
Required Of Candidates None
Max Occupants 3
Successor None
Who Can Remove From Office President
Term Limit Days 7
Total Terms Allowed 10
Consecutive Terms Allowed 10
Can Elections Be Proposed During Term True
Can Set Global Markers False
Can Set Global Objective False
Can Set Treasury Taxes False
Can Use Treasury Bank Account False
Has Government Banking Privileges False
Required Of Office Holders None
Backup Owner Everyone
Wages None.
Wages Source Bank Account None
Ended 27 mins ago
13 Votes Total.
This election is conducted with Instant Runoff Voting. This means that if a citizen's first choice candidate doesn't have enough votes to win, their vote goes instead to their second choice candidate, then third choice, and so on. This table shows each round of removal and how many votes each candidate has. For more info, see Instant Runoff Voting
This election is conducted using the rules of Basic Election.
View All Votes
Votes Per Round
Candidates Round 3 Round 2 Round 1
Krozzy 8 8 8
TaylorRenee 5 4 4
SammyGaming227 X 1 1
Lawn Chair X X 0
Total 13 13 13
2 TaylorRenee: TaylorRenee, JakeTheMan32
5 Krozzy: Aresfun, squiddy, MAugustoRZ, judochop7784, Jobobio
1 Krozzy, TaylorRenee: cakersss
1 SammyGaming227, TaylorRenee, Krozzy: SammyGaming227
1 TaylorRenee, Krozzy, SammyGaming227, Lawn Chair: Kolvin
1 Krozzy, TaylorRenee, SammyGaming227, Lawn Chair: Krozzy
1 TaylorRenee, Krozzy, Lawn Chair, SammyGaming227: MysticScribe
1 Krozzy, SammyGaming227, TaylorRenee, Lawn Chair: PurpleferretKing
In game the election completed and picked the winners as Krozzy, Lawn Chair, and SammyGaming227.
We have been trying to process this in everyway possible and we just don't understand how the game did not pick the winners as Krozzy, TaylorRenee, and SammyGaming227.