Beiträge von Numbat

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As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    9.0.3 released today which addresses this. Change notes from Discord below:

    Not sure exactly what changes have been implemented, but if you update your servers then there should be improvements now, and more to come soon.

    Hi everyone,

    I've had the idea of creating a high-RP server, and Kye and the good folks at the Australian Gaming Community have gone ahead and set one up named {AGCS} New World Order, at

    The purpose of this ultra-high collaboration, meteor-enabled server will be to encourage players to act in their own selfish best interests, and to manipulate other players by whatever means necessary to achieve their goals. There will be greed, corruption, bribery, and fraud. Multiple nations, political factions, corporations and economic systems will emerge and battle for dominance. Will you see the bigger picture and fight against an oppressive system for the good of the many? Or will your desire for ever-increasing wealth and power doom us all?

    Right now, a casual round is taking place on the server while we recruit more players interested in this style of game. Ideally we'd like to arrange a start time with a good number of players online simultaneously, to ensure an interesting start to the game.

    I'm hoping we can turn this into a large and diverse community, and that we share some interesting games worth talking about. If we can get enough people taking part, I've got some ideas for building a website to provide some extra community resources.

    Comment here if this sounds like something you'd be interested in. You can also join us on the AGCS Discord. We look forward to seeing you there!

    Good luck ;)

    Hi all,

    I couldn't find an introductions thread for new players, so I thought I'd make one. Comment here with some (non-private) info about yourself, how you found Eco, what you want to get from playing it, and anything else that feels relevant I guess! Maybe your favourite servers and a bit about them.

    I'll go first ;) I'm a player from Australia, have been following the development of Eco for a year or so and was very excited to finally buy a copy now that 0.9 is out. I love the whole concept of the game, I think it could be a great tool to learn about how complex systems like economies and governments emerge from basic societies, and to experiment with different forms of each to see the results. I hope to play some interesting games, and maybe do some write-ups on how they went.

    I've started playing on the AGCS servers, which have 3 to choose from: Casual, Standard and High-RP. The servers are hosted in Australia, but anyone is free to join so come say hi. :)

    I like this idea. It would be good to see a new arm of the tech tree allowing societies to progress from hunting to trapping to agriculture to large-scale factory farming. This would add an interesting element to high-RP servers especially, where players may have an interest in animal welfare and choose to write laws promoting it.

    I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts on how this could be implemented and balanced to fit in with the feel of the rest of the game.