Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.
Is this possible?
I tried to create a custom 3d object with a custom sound. With no success.
I created a new food receipe and in the game, there is something html code in the ecopedia entry.
How can i fix this?
Thanks and greetings,
It was a firewall problem. Thx!
The server runs on windows (before on linux).
Name: "Hexenwald Test"
Host: server.hexenwald.de
Game Port: 3000
Web Port: 3001
"PublicServer": true,
"Playtime": "",
"Password": "",
"Description": "Hexenwald Test",
"DetailedDescription": "Test Server",
"ServerCategory": "Established",
"IPAddress": "Any",
"RemoteAddress": "hexenwald.de",
"GameServerPort": 3000,
"WebServerPort": 3001,
"Rate": 20,
"MaxConnections": -1,
"ID": "98ccd00b-3d50-4d3c-8d6d-5a74f55c743c",
"Passport": "(hidden)",
"UPnPEnabled": false
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I can make a direct connection to the server in "Your Servers".
I can access the web site http://server.hexenwald.de:3001/
I wait more hours, but my game is not visible in the public server list.
Thank you, for your help!
Server is currently runnung (for testing)
Is there a HOWTO to use and run the eco relay server?
Thank you,