Beiträge von keeday

Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    I just checked my files and installed the mod on a fresh version of Eco. For me, it is working fine and the server starts correctly. Are you sure you dragged the files in the correct corresponding folders as mentioned in the Installation Guide?

    If it is still not working let me know and we will find the solution.

    Doh... Just me being stupid. Sorry mate. It's working as intended now :)

    Mod is broken. Get this error when trying to start server with this mod;

    "Error code"

    [04:08:01] Eco Server beta
    [04:08:02] Server Initialization...
    [04:08:02] Starting LocalizationPlugin...
    Finished in 933.2ms[04:08:03] Starting ModKitPlugin...
    [04:08:03] Loading mods...
    [04:08:03] Compiling mods...
    [04:08:05] Mods recompiled with errors.
    [04:08:05] Error in Gasoline at 27: Type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.GasolineRecipe' already defines a member called 'GasolineRecipe' with the same parameter types (CS0111)
    Error in Gasoline at 53: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.GasolineBlock' already contains a definition for 'RepresentedItemType' (CS0102)
    Error in Gasoline at 64: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.GasolineItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayName' (CS0102)
    Error in Gasoline at 65: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.GasolineItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayNamePlural' (CS0102)
    Error in Gasoline at 66: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.GasolineItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayDescription' (CS0102)
    Error in Epoxy at 26: Type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.EpoxyRecipe' already defines a member called 'EpoxyRecipe' with the same parameter types (CS0111)
    Error in Epoxy at 52: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.EpoxyItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayName' (CS0102)
    Error in Epoxy at 53: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.EpoxyItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayNamePlural' (CS0102)
    Error in Epoxy at 54: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.EpoxyItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayDescription' (CS0102)
    Error in Plastic at 26: Type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.PlasticRecipe' already defines a member called 'PlasticRecipe' with the same parameter types (CS0111)
    Error in Plastic at 52: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.PlasticItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayName' (CS0102)
    Error in Plastic at 53: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.PlasticItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayNamePlural' (CS0102)
    Error in Plastic at 54: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.PlasticItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayDescription' (CS0102)
    Error in SyntheticRubber at 26: Type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.SyntheticRubberRecipe' already defines a member called 'SyntheticRubberRecipe' with the same parameter types (CS0111)
    Error in SyntheticRubber at 52: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.SyntheticRubberItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayName' (CS0102)
    Error in SyntheticRubber at 53: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.SyntheticRubberItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayNamePlural' (CS0102)
    Error in SyntheticRubber at 54: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.SyntheticRubberItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayDescription' (CS0102)

    Finished in 1,987.2ms[04:08:05] Loading mods finished in 2,245.4ms
    Finished in 2,258.4ms[04:08:05] Server Initialization finished in 3,195.4ms
    [04:08:05] Failed to load server, Exception was Exception: Exception
    Message:Error in Gasoline at 27: Type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.GasolineRecipe' already defines a member called 'GasolineRecipe' with the same parameter types (CS0111)
    Error in Gasoline at 53: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.GasolineBlock' already contains a definition for 'RepresentedItemType' (CS0102)
    Error in Gasoline at 64: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.GasolineItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayName' (CS0102)
    Error in Gasoline at 65: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.GasolineItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayNamePlural' (CS0102)
    Error in Gasoline at 66: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.GasolineItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayDescription' (CS0102)
    Error in Epoxy at 26: Type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.EpoxyRecipe' already defines a member called 'EpoxyRecipe' with the same parameter types (CS0111)
    Error in Epoxy at 52: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.EpoxyItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayName' (CS0102)
    Error in Epoxy at 53: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.EpoxyItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayNamePlural' (CS0102)
    Error in Epoxy at 54: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.EpoxyItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayDescription' (CS0102)
    Error in Plastic at 26: Type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.PlasticRecipe' already defines a member called 'PlasticRecipe' with the same parameter types (CS0111)
    Error in Plastic at 52: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.PlasticItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayName' (CS0102)
    Error in Plastic at 53: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.PlasticItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayNamePlural' (CS0102)
    Error in Plastic at 54: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.PlasticItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayDescription' (CS0102)
    Error in SyntheticRubber at 26: Type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.SyntheticRubberRecipe' already defines a member called 'SyntheticRubberRecipe' with the same parameter types (CS0111)
    Error in SyntheticRubber at 52: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.SyntheticRubberItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayName' (CS0102)
    Error in SyntheticRubber at 53: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.SyntheticRubberItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayNamePlural' (CS0102)
    Error in SyntheticRubber at 54: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.SyntheticRubberItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayDescription' (CS0102)


    System.Exception: Error in Gasoline at 27: Type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.GasolineRecipe' already defines a member called 'GasolineRecipe' with the same parameter types (CS0111)
    Error in Gasoline at 53: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.GasolineBlock' already contains a definition for 'RepresentedItemType' (CS0102)
    Error in Gasoline at 64: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.GasolineItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayName' (CS0102)
    Error in Gasoline at 65: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.GasolineItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayNamePlural' (CS0102)
    Error in Gasoline at 66: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.GasolineItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayDescription' (CS0102)
    Error in Epoxy at 26: Type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.EpoxyRecipe' already defines a member called 'EpoxyRecipe' with the same parameter types (CS0111)
    Error in Epoxy at 52: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.EpoxyItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayName' (CS0102)
    Error in Epoxy at 53: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.EpoxyItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayNamePlural' (CS0102)
    Error in Epoxy at 54: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.EpoxyItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayDescription' (CS0102)
    Error in Plastic at 26: Type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.PlasticRecipe' already defines a member called 'PlasticRecipe' with the same parameter types (CS0111)
    Error in Plastic at 52: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.PlasticItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayName' (CS0102)
    Error in Plastic at 53: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.PlasticItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayNamePlural' (CS0102)
    Error in Plastic at 54: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.PlasticItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayDescription' (CS0102)
    Error in SyntheticRubber at 26: Type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.SyntheticRubberRecipe' already defines a member called 'SyntheticRubberRecipe' with the same parameter types (CS0111)
    Error in SyntheticRubber at 52: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.SyntheticRubberItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayName' (CS0102)
    Error in SyntheticRubber at 53: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.SyntheticRubberItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayNamePlural' (CS0102)
    Error in SyntheticRubber at 54: The type 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.SyntheticRubberItem' already contains a definition for 'DisplayDescription' (CS0102)

    at Eco.ModKit.RuntimeCompiler.HandleCompilerError(CompilerResults results)
    at Eco.ModKit.RuntimeCompiler.CompileMods()
    at Eco.ModKit.ModKitPlugin..ctor(TaskCompletionSource`1 done)