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Elixr Mods - Artistry

QuoteDisplay MoreAdd some variety to your Mods with our Artistry Pack!
The Artistry Pack is the Big Brother to the Dye Pack from Elixr Mods, fully overhauled with a heap of new additions!
Add a little extra to your Mod with these Dyes, Paints and a New Skill!! making clothes or items and you would like to add a colour variant to your recipe? Everything you need to use this pack is included! All the models and code files are bundled up together so you can just use them straight off the bat!
Unfortunately we won't be handing out the assets or the code for these files, we are taking requests for new colours though!
Join Our discord for bug reports and suggestions, all the latest info in regards to our mods!
This little pack can help give paper milling a purpose and something for your tailor to do!
By itself this little pack won't do anything, but i'm sure you guys can make some really great stuff with it!
To Install this on your server just unzip into your mods folder,
The folder structure should be:
EcoServerInstall/Mods/Elixr Mods/Artistry
All of our mods will use this folder structure so you can find everything easily!
This Section has been broken up in too multiple Sections as this pack offers alot
EM Artistry (em-artistry.dll, em-artistry.unity3d) - No Dependencies
Objects / Misc Items
Item Name Recipe Cost Recipe Returns Crafting Station Craft Time In Minutes Skill Required Give Name Info Art Station 20 Wood
6 Paint Brushes
Labor In Calories:
5001 Carpentry Table 20 Carpentry Skill 1 "/Give Art Station" The Art station is a new Crafting table that can be used to paint new paintings and create other items
used in the Artistry packDye Table 20 Rock
6 Buckets
Labor In Calories:
5001 Masonry Table 20 Masonry Skill 1 "/Give Dye Table" The Dye table is the main table in this pack, you use it to create the dyes and paints that can be used to make
many other items that may use this packHand Water Pump 20 Hewn Logs,
30 Mortared Stone
Labor In Calories:
2501 Masonry Table 30 Seconds Masonry Skill 1 "/Give Hand Water Pump" The Hand Water pump serves a single purpose, It makes buckets of water,
Buckets of water can be gained later from the blast Furnace at a much faster rateWooden Bucket 8 Wood
Labor In Calories:
2501 Carpentry Table 30 Seconds Logging Skill 0 "/Give Wooden Bucket" The Wooden bucket is just an item that can be used to store things,
*This is not a tool and it can not be used to pick up water,
The bucket is used to make Buckets of Water and Paint Base it
could be used to make other things later onBucket Of Water 1 Bucket
Labor In Calories:
2501 Hand Water Pump
Blast Furnace30 Seconds
2 Secondsnone "/Give Bucket Of Water" The Bucket of Water can be used in a multitude of recipes in this pack and could be used in even more
*This is not a tool and can not be used to place water blocks.Paint Base 10 Cereal Germ
1 Bucket Of Water
Labor In Calories: 2504 Paint Base
1 BucketCast Iron Stove 2 Cooking Skill 1 "/Give Paint Base" The Paint Base is used to Make Paint, Combine it with a dye to get paint!
*This is not a tool.Paint Brush 2 Wood
2 Fur Pelt
Labor In Calories: 252 Art Station
Workbench30 Seconds Painting Skill 1 "/Give Paint Brush" The Paint Brush is used in crafting recipes when making things like custom canvases etc
*This is not a tool and will not let you paint blocks.Paint Palette 2 Oil
20 Corn Seed
20 Huckleberry Seeds
20 Beet Seeds
Labor In Calories: 502 Art Station 1 Painting Skill 1 "/Give Paint Palette The paint palette is an empty palette that you would use in combination with paints and
the paint brush.
*This is not a tool.Painting Skill Book 20 Boards
40 Paper
10 Cloth
5 Basic Research
Labor In Calories: 20001 Research Table 30 Tailoring Skill 0 "/Give Painting Skill Book" The Painting Skill Comes under a new Profession: Artist,
The Painting Skill also has 4 Talents associated with it similar to regular skills
Lavish Workspace - Level 6 Talent
Frugal Workspace - Level 6 Talent
Parallel Processing - Level 3 Talent
Focused Workflow - Level 3 TalentDyes
Item Name Recipe Cost Recipe Returns Crafting Station Craft Time in Minutes Skill Required Give Name Info Black Dye 5 Cloth
5 Coal Or 5 Crushed Shale
25 Plant fibers
5 Paper
1 Bucket of Water
Labor In Calories: 2504 Black Dye
1 BucketDye Table 2 Painting Skill 1 "/Give Black Dye" Dyes are an item that can be used in other recipes Yellow Dye 5 Cloth
5 Pineapple Or 5 Corn
25 Plant fibers
5 Paper
1 Bucket of Water
Labor In Calories: 2504 Yellow Dye
1 BucketDye Table 2 Painting Skill 1 "/Give Yellow Dye" Dyes are an item that can be used in other recipes Blue Dye 5 Cloth
5 Huckleberries Or 5 Camas Bulb
25 Plant fibers
5 Paper
1 Bucket of Water
Labor In Calories: 2504 Blue Dye
1 BucketDye Table 2 Painting Skill 1 "/Give Blue Dye" Dyes are an item that can be used in other recipes Red Dye 5 Cloth
5 Tomato or 5 Beet
25 Plant fibers
5 Paper
1 Bucket of Water
Labor In Calories: 2504 Red Dye
1 BucketDye Table 2 Painting Skill 1 "/Give Red Dye" Dyes are an item that can be used in other recipes White Dye 5 Cloth
Nothing Or 5 Crushed Limestone
25 Plant fibers
5 Paper
1 Bucket of Water
Labor In Calories: 2504 White Dye
1 BucketDye Table 2 Painting Skill 1 "/Give White Dye" Dyes are an item that can be used in other recipes Purple Dye 1 Blue Dye
1 Red Dye
Labor In Calories: 2502 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 2 "/Give Purple Dye" Dyes are an item that can be used in other recipes Green Dye 1 Yellow Dye
1 Blue Dye
Labor In Calories: 2502 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 2 "/Give Green Dye" Dyes are an item that can be used in other recipes Brown Dye 1 Blue Dye
1 Red Dye
1 Yellow Dye
Labor In Calories: 2503 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 2 "/Give Brown Dye" Dyes are an item that can be used in other recipes Orange Dye 1 Yellow Dye
1 Red Dye
Labor In Calories: 2502 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 2 "/Give Orange Dye" Dyes are an item that can be used in other recipes Pink Dye 1 Red Dye
1 White Dye
Labor In Calories: 2502 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 2 "/Give Pink Dye" Dyes are an item that can be used in other recipes Grey Dye 1 Black Dye
1 White Dye
Labor In Calories: 2502 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 2 "/Give Grey Dye" Dyes are an item that can be used in other recipes Paint
Item Name (Paint) Recipe Cost Recipe Return Crafting Station Craft Time In Minutes Skill Required Give Name Info Black Paint 2 Black Dye
2 Paint Base
Labor In Calories: 2504 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 1 "/Give Black Paint" Paints are an item that can be used in other recipes
*They Are Not Used To Paint BlocksYellow Paint 2 Yellow Dye
2 Paint Base
Labor In Calories: 2504 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 1 "/Give Yellow Paint" Paints are an item that can be used in other recipes
*They Are Not Used To Paint BlocksBlue Paint 2 Blue Dye
2 Paint Base
Labor In Calories: 2504 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 1 "/Give Blue Paint" Paints are an item that can be used in other recipes
*They Are Not Used To Paint BlocksRed Paint 2 Red Dye
2 Paint Base
Labor In Calories: 2504 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 1 "/Give Red Paint" Paints are an item that can be used in other recipes
*They Are Not Used To Paint BlocksWhite Paint 2 White Dye
2 Paint Base
Labor In Calories: 2504 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 1 "/Give White Paint" Paints are an item that can be used in other recipes
*They Are Not Used To Paint BlocksPurple Paint 2 Purple Dye
2 Paint Base
Labor In Calories: 2504 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 2 "/Give Purple Paint" Paints are an item that can be used in other recipes
*They Are Not Used To Paint BlocksGreen Paint 2 Green Dye
2 Paint Base
Labor In Calories: 2504 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 2 "/Give Green Paint" Paints are an item that can be used in other recipes
*They Are Not Used To Paint BlocksBrown Paint 2 Brown Dye
2 Paint Base
Labor In Calories: 2504 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 2 "/Give Brown Paint" Paints are an item that can be used in other recipes
*They Are Not Used To Paint BlocksOrange Paint 2 Orange Dye
2 Paint Base
Labor In Calories: 2504 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 2 "/Give Orange Paint" Paints are an item that can be used in other recipes
*They Are Not Used To Paint BlocksPink Paint 2 Pink Dye
2 Paint Base
Labor In Calories: 2504 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 2 "/Give Pink Paint" Paints are an item that can be used in other recipes
*They Are Not Used To Paint BlocksGrey Paint 2 Grey Dye
2 Paint Base
Labor In Calories: 2504 Dye Table 2 Painting Skill 2 "/Give Grey Paint" Paints are an item that can be used in other recipes
*They Are Not Used To Paint Blocks