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  • Server Name: Eco Pants

    Server Location: Latvia, Riga

    Server Language: English, Latvian and German

    Creation Date: 27.12.2020.

    World Size: 1.96km

    World Difficulty: Low Collab

    Connection Info:

    Discord: https://discord.gg/t7hJZdzB

    Modifications: item and block stacks x5, all items weigh 100g, stockpile and chest range x2

    Server's running on dedicated hardware with 500/500Mbps optical network connection.

    We've had maximum of 15 players online and no server lag was experienced at the time.

    We're currently looking for a Carpenter to get going with Mechanics. Ofc all other professions are welcome as well.

    If you have any questions, let me know here or in Discord!

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