Server Name: Aura Fury Eco Server
Server Location: Eastern United States
Server Languages: All languages allowed, main language spoken in English
Server Description: Aura Fury is proud to be launching a brand new Eco server on January 9th at 2 PM EST. 20 players from the Aura Fury community will be joining, but we would love to have some new folks join us Were a mature, mainly 18+, friendly community that runs multiple game servers. Server settings will be decided by the community in the coming days so join us to help us make those decisions. To apply to the community be sure to input Eco as your game of interest. Thank you for your consideration and hope to see you soon!
Server Owner: EconBrony
Whitelist: Yes
Connection: join discord/apply to server
World Size: 5 km²
World Objective: Survive, Create a thriving Economy and meet new friends