As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.
The EcoServerLauncher brings you some additional features for you Eco Server:
- Check if Eco Server is still running by checking the PID
- Check if Eco Server may hang by checking the web-api of the server
- Check internet connection by finding out your public IP address
- Check and handle Dynamic DNS (DDNS) with example for
- Check external ports and forwarding by requesting a TCPing to the external IP on the game and web port from a web-server (php script)
- Notifies you by mail if anything went wrong (SMTP Server needed)
- Locks the Eco Server CMD window to prevent a mistaken close or hang (can be disabled)
- Moves your Backups into a seperate storage system (After 20 min when the backup was created)
This script was done in AutoIt. The compiled AutoIt Exe may get idetified as virus.
I uploaded the source so you can check if it. You can install AutoIt and run the source script or just compile it for your self.
Feel free to modify it but ask if you want to reupload it.
- Download the release zip file and extract it were you like.
- Got to Release\param\ to set up your config
- config.ini -> Must be set up - Please check every line in it.
- dyndns.ini (optional) -> Set up a dyndns provider if you need it (example
- mail.ini (optional) -> Set up SMTP settings for informing you via mail
- savedata.ini (DO NOT CHANGE!!!) -> No change needed
- Move back to the Release Folder and start "Install as Admin - Disable Windows Error Reporting.bat" as administrator -> It will disable the Windows crash dialog if the server crashes.
- Execute EcoServerLauncher.exe to startup the launcher
Use the Launcher:
You will find a new icon in your tray displaying a rocket. If you left click it you will get a traymenu.
- Lock Server CMD Window: Locks the Server CMD Window and Unlocks it again.
- Disable All Launcher Checks: Disables all checks that are done by the launcher.
- Startup Eco Server: Starts the Eco Server and enables all checks again.
- Quit Eco Server: Quits the running Server and disables all checks.
- Send Testmail: Sends a testmail if you enabled SMTP settings
- EMERGENCY EXIT: If anything happens. Server and Launcher are killed.
- Quit Launcher: Just exits the Launcher - Eco Server will stay running
- Quit Server and Launcher: Exits LAuncher and quits the server
About INI Files:
You can change them during the Launcher is running. Some parameters are loaded if they are needed. So you can manipulate the ini file with a seperate program.
About the Hang-Check:
The Hangcheck tries to contact the Web Port and download the server info if the server startup check was passed.
If the infocheck of the web port will fail 5 times with 10 seconds during each check the Launcher will Kill the Eco Server and restart it.
About the Startup Check:
The startupcheck is passed if the EcoServer opens the gameport (default 3000). After the startup-finish was detected the Launcher starts monitoring the hangtest and the portcheck.
About the SMTP:
You need to your your own SMTP server. If you have no idea how to handle SMTP just disable it and do not use it.
The SMTP can handle Auth and SSL. It is possible to use a local SMTP or link to another SMTP service. Make shure that you use the correct settings. Most SMTP servers will ban your IP after 3 false logins or setting up wrong settings that you are not allowed to use.
Tested with / Auth with SSL and NoAuth on a local SMTP server (Univention)
About DDNS:
You may have a dynamic IP adress - this means your IP will change every day. To solve this you can use the DDNS to get a "Name" instead of the IP. Take a look at it is free.
Having Problems?
Seeing a Security problem - Contact me via PM! Please do not post this public
Having an other problem - Please post it to the public thread so i can do a FAQ
Having Ideas?
No Problem - I like new Ideas - Please post it to the public thread.
Terms of usage:
If you download an use the Launcher you have to be shure to make a backup! I will not take any responsibility for any damage.
If you modify the source and plan to reupload them please contact me first.
Big thanks to all Eco Servers that i played in the past. Seeing some admins totaly overused by just managig the server and having no time to care about the community motivated me to do a launcher to handle some of those problems.
Thanks to Mampf and Loohney for providing a Test-Server to develope the script.
ICON: Dimitry Miroliubov -
SMTP Script: Jos -…nd-attachments/
JSON Script: zserge -
Version BETA 0.1
chackl -
April 10, 2018 at 11:53 AM -
606.17 kB -
Version BETA 0.1
chackl -
April 10, 2018 at 11:53 AM -
646.52 kB -