Beiträge von TylerTurton

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As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    Welcome to Tas' Land, we wiped 4 hours prior to this post. Feel free to join us!

    Server Name: |Tas' Land!|2x XP|45 Day Impact|Noob Friendly|Wiped 12/18|
    Server Location: Ohio, United States
    Brief Description: We're a relaxed group of individuals trying to go for a tight-knit friendly community, please join us and help us destroy the meteor!
    Server Staff: Tasfulminiclip, Biggy Bean
    Server Mods: Discord Link
    Password Protected?: No
    Connection: (Please join the discord as well!)
    World Size: 1km²
    World Difficulty: Low collaboration
    World Objective: To build a successful economy, make friends, and destroy the meteor.