What is MW Mod?
Edit: Nvm xD
What is MW Mod?
Edit: Nvm xD
I'm terribly sorry that it takes so long to answer your question, but this is a bit more complicated.
A previous discussion about the coal spawns, unfortunately in German (try google translate) https://steamcommunity.com/app/382310/dis…68437857681791/
I will rewrite that to English soon, but today I just want to get my Mod update (Creative Tools) finished, thanks for your patience.
I have some tailings stored in one of them, there is no ground pollution at all, so yes.
Do you mean the name of the build .unity3d file at step 10?
You best start from the original WorldGenerator.eco (don’t use my modded version).
"$id": "4",
"$type": "SharpNoise.Modules.Perlin, SharpNoise",
"Frequency": 3.0,
"Lacunarity": 2.5,
"OctaveCount": 6,
"Persistence": 0.5,
"Quality": "Fast",
"Seed": 0
Afaik, Perlin is the fractal thats used to generate the base shape of the terrain, I think the most important value here for the continent size is the Frequency, smaller value creates large continents.
Better not change persistence and be careful with values <=1 (results may be strange/unexpected).
"Plateau": {
"$id": "5",
"CliffStopsBeingSheerAtAngle": 0.5,
"CliffSheernessStartInterpolate": 1.6,
"MinPlateauHeight": -0.1,
"CliffChance": 0.8,
"RadiusRange": {
"min": 12.0,
"max": 24.0
"SlopeRange": {
"min": 3.0,
"max": 6.0
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After the Perlin part is finished there are plateaus added on top of it, here you can additionally modify the RadiusRange (diameter of plateaus) and SlopeRange (height of plateaus).
And for testing best use a small 72x72 world size, it generates a lot faster.
At the moment /give creativehammer and /give creativeshovel (admin commands).
There will be an update soon, with a little manual and some more goodies, including a crafting station.
A bit late, but maybe this helps https://forum.play.eco/threads/a-litt…s.186/#post-893
I struggle more with the programming part, hope this helps, happy modding too.
1. create a new project in unity3d (I currently use 2017.4, current EcoModKit shader for 3d meshes/Scene window is not working properly in any of the 3 unity versions I have installed)
2. import EcoModKit.unitypackage into your new project, https://github.com/StrangeLoopGames/EcoModKit
3. open TemplateScene.unity and save as NameOfYourMod.unity (I put my files directly in the Assets folder, tutorial says create a new sub-folder there, but whats really important here, keep all the folders of the project clean, there especially must not be any backups of .unity files with duplicated Object/Item definitions in them, those likely corrupt the build file later without any error message)
4. rename SampleItem to WhateverNameYouChooseInTheCodeFileItem
5. get a square image file (I tested .gif: ugly // .png: small file size, a bit buggy sometimes // .psd (Photoshop) larger file size, quality looks equally to .png)
6. move the image into your projects Assets folder and convert it to Texture Type: Sprite (2D and UI)
7. go to RenamedSampleItem/Icon/Foreground in your Scene and choose your converted Sprite as Source Image, in the red field below you choose the overlay color of your Sprite, usually white (default color in SampleItem is red)
8. (optional) if your Foreground image has transparency you should also have a look at the Background, same steps for adding an image, the background color set here also determines the text color of your items in-game, one .unity file can contain multible icons (Item/Object definitions)
9. save your Scene, then go ModKit -> Build Current Bundle
10. place the just build .unity3d file together with your code file inside the Eco Server's Mods folder (most often encountered error here again, duplicated definitions in code files or .unity3d files, somewhere inside the Mods folder)
It took me some time to figure out how recipes work, just want to share my annotations with you.
Edit: I added a more detailed tutorial for the icons, below in post #3.
[RequiresSkill(typeof(BasicCraftingSkill), 0)] //skill used, level required
public class WaterWellBlockRecipe : Recipe //unique name of the recipe
public WaterWellBlockRecipe()
this.Products = new CraftingElement[]
new CraftingElement<WaterItem>(1), //what is crafted, ammount, can craft multible products at a time
this.Ingredients = new CraftingElement[] //can't be empty or zero, can use multible ingredients at a time
new CraftingElement<PlantFibersItem>(typeof(BasicCraftingEfficiencySkill), 0.1f, BasicCraftingEfficiencySkill.MultiplicativeStrategy),
this.CraftMinutes = CreateCraftTimeValue(typeof(WaterWellBlockRecipe), Item.Get<WaterItem>().UILink(), 0.1f, typeof(BasicCraftingSpeedSkill)); //from arrows recipe, 2 sec at max lvl
this.Initialize("Water", typeof(WaterWellBlockRecipe)); //visible name at the crafting station
CraftingComponent.AddRecipe(typeof(TraditionalWaterWellObject), this); //where is it crafted
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If you don't know where to use this, check https://github.com/StrangeLoopGam…iling-Fan-Light
Tip: If you only want to create a new ingredient for cooking or crafting or a food item, you can skip the whole "Initial Object Setup" part and everything below "Sending Custom Interactions" from the above tutorial. You only need to create an icon in unity3d and a working .cs file. (proper .cs files even work without an icon/unity file, uses template icon then)
And don't reinvent the wheel for the icon (just because the tutorial tells you), there are so many nice free graphics out in the wild. (e.g. http://pngimg.com/ or http://game-icons.net/)
Check if you have the Container files duplicated somewhere in your Mods folder.
Thank you, Kronox.
I just don’t get the chat stuff right at the moment. xD
But I came up with a lot better idea, I will create a new crafting station with new recipes, thats something I already can do.
I wonder if it is possible to spawn a filled storage chest or stockpile with items predefined in a .cs file.
As a bridge technology till there is a real creative mode or creative mod.
Because /spawnfullstockpile does it, I guess this is possible.
There is EckoTheDolphinItem.cs that shows how to spawn items into the players inventory.
And there is the chat command manual https://github.com/StrangeLoopGam…m-Chat-Commands
But I’m not even able to set up a new chat command .cs to spawn something in my inventory. xD
Lara submitted a new resource:
[plain]Creative Tools[/plain] - [plain]Duplicate building materials, dirt and sand with the Creative Hammer and Shovel items.[/plain]
QuoteCreative Tools v0.1
Duplicate building materials, dirt and sand with the Creative Hammer and Shovel items.
These tools are basically copies of the DevTool, but without the ability to delete anything or override authentication.
On left click they are supposed to do whatever hammer or shovel do, and on right click they duplicate what’s carried in hand (shovel for dirt and sand, hammer for everything else that can be carried).
I tested them for several hours, but I’m still not...
Lara submitted a new resource:
[plain]Creative Chest[/plain] - [plain]A chest that gives creatives a lot of storage space and flexibility in placement.[/plain]
QuoteDisplay More
- 104 item slots per chest
- requires only one empty block to be placed
- accepts normal inventory items and carried items
- can be attached to wall or ceiling (no solid ground requirement)
- no weight limit for the chests content
- can be crafted at a workbench (same recipe, material and skill requirement as Storage Chest)
- mod is easy to install and uninstall
- very low potential to interfere with other mods
- fancy lookI did not alter any...
Why do you want to do that? Easier installation?
Then other modders can't read your .cs files and learn from them.
Am besten erst mal nur AE Mod installieren dann testen, dann nächsten installieren, wieder testen, usw, damit du weiß wo was schief gegangen ist.
Besorg dir erst mal einen frischen Mod Ordner mit nur Standart Dateien drin (ich mache das indem ich den vorhandenen Mods Ordner lösche und über Steam die installation repariere, bei deinstallieren/neu installieren können Reste von alten Mods im Ordner bleiben die Probleme verursachen).
Um nur AEMod zu installieren, vom ausgepackten AEMod kopierst du alle Dateien die im Main Ordner (nur die) sind in den Mods Ordner und überschreibst Dateien wenn gefragt (korrekte Pfade sind hier sehr wichtig).
Starten, testen.
Wenn es nicht funktioniert, nochmal von vorne, das ganze.
Oder halt beim Lieblingsserver nett fragen für eine Kopie vom Mods Ordner.
Wenn du einen kompletten Mods Ordner von einem anderen Server bekommst sind die Dateien die bei der Standart Installation im Mods Ordner sind schon enthalten und teilweise verändern die Mods die Standart Dateien.
Wenn du heruntergeladene Mods selbst installierst, müssen die Standart Dateien im Mods Ordner vorhanden sein, du verschiebst die heruntergeladenen Dateien nach der Anleitung des jeweiligen Mods, je mehr Mods du installierst umso komplizierter wird es. Mit den Integrationen kenne ich mich nicht aus, habe mich einfach an die Anleitung oben gehalten und funktioniert.
Welche Sprache ist dir eigentlich lieber? Mir ist egal, nur der ständige Wechsel ist verwirrend. xD
Coal can be contained in all dirt layers below sea level, mostly spread in single blocks.
Entschuldigung wenn das missverständlich war, ich habe die Dateien einfach überschrieben weil da ganz sicher noch keine mods drin waren. Wenn bereits irgendwelche Mods installiert gewesen wären hätte das wahrscheinlich nicht funktioniert.
Wenn du den gesamten Mods Ordner bekommst, verschiebst du am besten deinen alten Mods Ordner und den neuen Mods Ordner dann einfach unverändert da hin (nicht ineinander schieben/überschreiben). Der Mods Ordner muss unbedingt von der selben Server Version sein.
This is very handy for setting the perfect light for screenshots, thank you very much!