Beiträge von TeamRemix

Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    9.0 Server - It will not be live until September 9th, 2020.

    World Size: 100x100 (1km²)

    Meteor: 25 days until impact. (Sunday, Oct. 4th)

    Skill Point Generation: Custom - Very High Collaboration.

    Centralized Marketplace - A centralized location where everyone is required to set up shop, providing a community-driven economy.

    Currency - A standard currency will be in the server on Day 1. Everyone will be given an initial sum of 1000, followed by 100 of this currency per day.

    Citizen Qualifications - We are looking for passionate, adult Eco players that are looking for a collaborative challenge to work together for a common goal. The server is whitelisted and you must be 18 or older to join.

    If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, friend request me on Discord at TeamRemix#8205 and tell me you'd like to join us and be whitelisted.