Posts by GDragon
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im trying to get it to work.. but since i rent a server i do not have the config tab.. well nothing on that actualy.. is there an otherway to install this bot?
read previous messages -
Can you publish this usefull mod on .io too?
What about publish on
Crash on bleeding edge :((
I see, you have misspelling in description.
EElectric Smelting Skills ?
Is there any way to copy the token into the mod without the server config ui? I really want to use this on my hosted server but I only have FTP access.
yes, you can upload completed config file onto server. -
Spoffy, how do you get multi-word items with the ?trades command? Example: Wood Sign. If I type "?trades wood sign" I get Wood Cart. If I type "?trades wood" I get Wood Cart. If I type "?trades sign" I get one of the new hewn log signs.
use ingame suntax, "woodcart" etc. -
i try to make underground coal veins rare and big or middle and middle.
But have only two result,
1) coal, coal everywhere!
2) coal vein contain ~3 coal... -
Stone, Copper, Gold, Iron and Coal spawns, a try to demystify.
The "" is divided into Surface Stone (starting at line 99) and Underground Stone (starting at line 228), for both areas Copper, Iron, Gold and Coal are individually defined.
Gold, Iron, Coal and Copper in the area Surface are subpoints of Stone at the Surface, so you can change the values of Stone at the Surface (id 10) to reduce or increase all subpoints simultaneously, including the amount of stones at the surface.
Display MoreThe whole covering dirt layer, also below sea level. Surface id 9 Dirt id 10 Stone id 11 Coal id 12 Iron id 13 Copper id 14 Gold The whole stone layer, it starts where the Surface (Dirt) layer ends and ends at the ground stone. id 15 Stone Underground id 16 Iron id 17 Coal id 18 Copper id 19 Gold
e.g. Coal in the range Surface "$id": "11", (id 11) line 121-141
You can have a look at the structure in the server ui, you can also change the values directly there, but I get along with the .eco files much better.
So basically there are two areas of stone, where Noise layers of Ore and Coal are spawned upon, later spawned layers maybe partly overwrite previous layers.
is the height range in the world where the spawn takes place, values -1.0 to 1.0 (where 0 is sea level)DepthRange,
is the height of the spawn, values 0.0 to 1.0 (min should usually be 0.0, because the spawn start point is 0.0)NoiseFrequency,
the scatter/distribution of the blocks, clumping at low values, more even distribution at higher values, designated values 15.0 to 40.0 (tested values 1.0 to 10000.0)NoiseRange,
is the distance of the spawns, higher values lead to less spawns, values 0.0 to 1.0I assume that 1.0 is mostly synonymous with 100%, when changing the world size/height/sea level the spawns should all adjust automatically.
To play around with the values I recomment to use Surface Stone (id 10), so you see changes in the world easily.
Or set the Surface Stone to a very high ammount and then play with the Surface Coal (id 11) settings, to see what exactly it does.
In rivers you can see easily what it does underground, best disable Underwater Distortion in your Eco clients in Advanced Settings.And no, I don't think it's very bugged, but very random.
If you want things less random, have very little difference between min and max values.
e.g. "NoiseRange": { "min": 0.5, "max": 0.6 },
Problem here, 1.0 is likely 100%, but 100% of what exactly I don't know, can't be 100% of the map, maybe 100% of 100 blocks or 100% of the worlds overall blocks height? Even 100% of 72, 40, 60 or 80 blocks would make sense in some context.For your desired change you only need to modify NoiseRange and NoiseFrequency (higher values) from the above.
Yep, thx, but coal still different generation for me, unlike other ores -
I see the file--but in my file, I only have the following variables, nothing else:
"$id": "1",
"PlayerConfigs": [],
"ChannelLinks": [],
"Debug": false
try to use my code and paste parameters to "" and save, restart -
My problem is that I'm unable to find in the configuration files on my server WHERE to put the BotToken in for the mod to work. I have the Discord bot setup and I have the token, but I need to tell the mod the token in a config file, and I can't find it. in config folder. -
Has anyone managed to get this working on a PingPerfect server? They have an older version listed in their little "Easy install" mod list but I have no clue where to find the config for the BotToken. I've tried with the "listed" version from PingPerfect and also the with the latest version which I uploaded to the server and put in a ticket to have the DLLs extracted properly. Still no luck. Any ideas, if it's even possible? Don't know why they would list it otherwise!
you create bot token, using discordapp bot creation. -
You best start from the original (don’t use my modded version).
After the Perlin part is finished there are plateaus added on top of it, here you can additionally modify the RadiusRange (diameter of plateaus) and SlopeRange (height of plateaus).
And for testing best use a small 72x72 world size, it generates a lot faster.
Thx! Another newbie question - how make coal vein rare(more 20 block avay from other) and contain middle quantity of coal(10-20 blocks)?
All my trying are failed, coal generation bugged? -
Hello! Worldgen still hard to me
can you help me make continents bigger? -
Nice mod, but ?ecostatus does nothing to mep.s.
Can you use Mods API - ? -
Are you sure there will be coal in this world???
see up, spoiler. -
hmm... on your generator i have stable 0 cedar on generated worlds.