Posts by Darianna

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    Mhh sorry when im be annoying...but when you reduce the cost of the washed Ore...then it should be 2 Ore per 1 Washed Ore...then is a reduction...not for 1 Washed Ore =1 Ingot...thats the same as in version 11.. maybe i cant see it because im stupid than im sorry...but i wash 4 ores to get 1 tailing and 1 washed ore,....then smelt the washed ore to geht 1 ingot...
    its the same as in the first version...and the same as in vanilla. Is the change maybe not go into the live version?

    I have tried to make a Lake a little bit bigger so i have dig one edge out...first the water floats in...but then it stops and now i have this hole:

    Can i use this mod to fill the Hole with Water? i Have tried it with //set Water but it doenst know the Blocktype Water?

    Mhh i havent seen any difference in the ratio from the 0.12 Version...i get still 1 Ingot and 1 Tailing from 4 Ore, washed and then smelted....the same as when i make it directly in Vanilla? Have i made something wrong so that i dont see the changes?

    Thats good to hear :) One other Question...i know it is not really to do with smelting have made a change to the Charcoal it possible that it can made so that i can burn also the old unused Hewn Log for that? So i dont know...logs...or hewn logs. I have Stockpiles full of old Hewn Logs and dont know what i should do with it now ;)

    Okay one should reduce the amount of tailings you wrote...but..
    When i wahs 4 Ore to get 1 Washed Ore...i get 1 Tailing...when i smelt 4 Ore to get the Ingot directly i geht 1 Tailing to. So no reduction.. is that right?
    Is the reduction only for non skilled smelter?