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Looking to increase the stack size for the DirtBlock. I have found all the other block stack size cfg's, but for some reason I can not locate the DirtBlock one. Thanks for your time and patience.
This is a gentle way of putting this. Please guys, you need to change the walking sprint speed a bit. I can understand the idea with brush reducing your speed, that's fine, but an overall adjustment NEEDS to be made. Take the advice, in game development one of the top five things not to do your your player base is frustrate them. Challenge, push, encourage, but NEVER frustrate. The walk sprint speeds are just frustrating period. Even watching your development videos, the developers are constantly jumping as they run around the map to avoid this. So in creating this function you created a player base constantly JUMPING to avoid the horrific travels speeds on foot.
What I have found is if you don't let the chunks "Unload" by traveling far enough away, the trees wont grow to the finished full growth state. You have to travel far enough away that you reload the chunk, then they seem to reach full state.
I have attempted to change the rate in the cfg files for my local game play. The trees don't change from the planting state to large growth state, instead you chop down little planted state trees. Does changing the maturity age in the cfg not work. I did see some other files that had times related to leaf and branch growth, please tell me I would not have to alter all of those files just to get a reasonable single player experience?