Beiträge von Ryukori

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    Hello Guys,

    im Ryukori and im new to the game.
    Me and some friend want to learn the game so we host a server to test out, build some knowledge about the game and understand the whole "ECO" until 9.0 is here.
    It's always fun to play together as a community so everyone is welcome here, beginner or expert - no matter

    When 9.0 the server gets a wipe with a whole new map and a great economy system. We can talk about mods, ideas for towns or laws or just some theorycrafting.
    Worldmap will be larger than 0,52km² when our community on the server grows in numbers

    Server Admin - IGN: [Pyro]Dragonfruit; Kampflokomotive; Ich geh mal fix Kaffee trinken

    World setup:

    Spec settings - medium
    Meteor - 30 days (medium collab)
    World size - 0.52km² (

    You are interested?
    Quick meet us at: