Beiträge von Silentmustache

Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    **Server Name:** Pineapple Treehouse - Season 2 ! - Very Active Discord - Active Admins .** Server Location:** USA ,Chicago
    **Sever Website**
    **Server Languages**: English
    **Brief Description:** Low Collaboration, New Players welcome. We are looking to build a community and help each other enjoy the game the best we can.
    **Server Admin(s)**: Silent_Mustache
    **Password protected**: No
    **World Size**: .200x200
    **World Difficulty**: Normal
    **World Objective**: Blow up the meteor, Build a community, Kick ass, Have Fun !
    **Discord Server**:

    Server Name: Pineapple Treehouse
    Server Location: USA ,Chicago
    Server Languages: English
    Brief Description: Low Collaboration, New Players welcome. We are looking to build a community and help each other enjoy the game the best we can.
    Server Admin(s): Silent_Mustache
    Password protected: No
    World Size: .52km2
    World Difficulty: Normal
    World Objective: Blow up the meteor, Build a community, Kick ass, Have Fun !
    Discord Server: