Beiträge von vsysio

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    Discord Link:
    Pic of server hardware:

    Tema Candente is a US-based server that aims to incentivise and reward extremely high collaboration among players. Eco is a game best played when there are tons of concurrent players and economic activity, and we aim to maximise that potential.

    Eco servers are also extremely compute-intensive. We didn't want our massive server to be a lagfest, so instead of going for some bargain shared host, we invested in some SERIOUS dedicated hardware (see photo) with 24 cores and 144 GB of RAM.

    The server owner is also an Eco developer (not employed by SLG, but possesses the Devkit) and has already contributed some feedback that last year helped the developers fix a bug that made Eco servers perform much better.

    In addition, we believe that Eco is best played when the players evolve the game and not the server admins. To that end, there is only one person with admin privileges, and that person only uses admin privileges to fix bugs and occasionally function as a sort of roleplaying dungeon master (ie. somebody built a church in the desert so the admin created a "holy wonder" consisting of a column of water draining from the sky, which brought in moisture and enabled farms to be built).

    Current map: