Beiträge von DeMoN

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As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    Server Name: Planet Hell (NEW WIPE - CYCLE#3 - 17th to 31st May)
    Server Location: France
    Server Language: English
    Server Description: Planet Hell is a low difficulty fast vanilla server that still requires some collaboration to succeed (the meteor hits on the 10th day). Admins do not influence government and economy. It NEVER WIPES/GOES DOWN SUDDENLY unless there are major client issues/bugs or voted on our Discord channel: Both New and Experienced players are welcome.
    Server Owner: DeMoN
    Server Staff: DeMoN (admin & owner)
    Whitelist: No
    World Size: 1 km²
    World Difficulty: Low Collaboration
    World Objective: Have fun and defeat the meteor in 10 days!