Beiträge von enbyrielle

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    I've been playing on a server where someone merged Lucky Break with Sweeping Hands, making it so that taking Sweeping Hands also gives the other talent. I'm trying to replicate this for my own solo game but my attempts have been breaking eco.mod and the server won't start...

    I'm a complete newbie in programming (I'm a game artist) so maybe the solution is super easy and I can't see it but I'd appreciate help <3

    Hello! This plugin seems awesome, but every attempts I've made at installing it on my local singleplayer server's mod ended up causing a "Connection Timed Out" error. I've tested all my other mods, none of them cause this issue, it's only specifically when installing this modpack. I'd love to use it to reset talents and adjust values however... Anyone else having had this issue knows a fix?