Beiträge von megoza

Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    Got an error when trying to setup the mods

    [13:51:23.211] [1] [ Info] [Eco] Failed to load server, Exception was Exception: Exception
    Message:Duplicate type: Eco.EM.Components.AutoDoors+AutoDoor, Eco.EM.Components.AutoDoors+LAutoDoor
    System.Exception: Duplicate type: Eco.EM.Components.AutoDoors+AutoDoor, Eco.EM.Components.AutoDoors+LAutoDoor
       at Eco.Gameplay.Objects.WorldObjectManager..ctor()