Beiträge von AdrienS

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    I'm Adrien, a french guy who currently work on ecological transition in a land planning perspective.

    I'm highly interested in the pedagogical aspects of videogames. How some of them simulate ecosystems. How we can learn systemic interactions from them.

    I recently discover Eco and the social aspect looks amazing. The fact that players can chose laws and must cooperate is really great to me. It can really be a sandbox of ecological transition and show how important it is to develop territorial resilience.

    For the moment, I don't think that I'm going to spend hours to experiment those aspects.

    But it would be amazing if someone on that forum could discuss with me about his/her player's experience. Especially if he/she is part of a quite big community for a long time.

    So don't hesitate to send me a direct message or comment this post :)
