Beiträge von pointandmod

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    I am not that good at modding under most languages but I do know lua, so would anyone would interested in created a lua interp mod so we can create mods in lua or have super controll over a server as the power of Lua means we can right and handle so much without compling a mod every darn time, I not sure if that's possible I not looked at the back end of Eco at all yet, I only using the platform for a friend at the moment but I like the modding side of it.

    Here is what the server has been saying when undo has been used

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    I also just copied this but when I pasted it it pushed the chest over and added a air block

    No server error. it might be because I used a Item to get first spot, still can't copy chest by just selecting it.

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    Another update:

    It seems it does it even if it's a block I copy from the botten end of the chest near the light, point at the block I use as the place holder to copy.

    I think it doesn't matter. But put it in the mods folder :)

    It seems to work so far and the main option to copy the chest with content works, but undo seems to be broken when the option includes a chest, this is not a problem when there is no chest one when the chest is included.

    At the moment the server is a older version for a few users, so I give it a test on that and get back with you, I think it's a v0.7 I check later tonight
    is this installed in the mod folder or the mod/world edit folder?

    I was able to use the tool that checks the soil that gets the block id and I been able to build walls, pillers and so on, so use the soil examer I think it's called, a option at the end for state would be nice, also been able to copy items like ramps, benchs and so on, or copying chests.

    But the work so far are epic.

    I think what they mean is the some blocks have states when using the shift key to place them so it as roof, window, block wall, single wall pie and other states in the game I thnk that's what there saying.

    Very buggy still but a good start, we need a easy way to copy the ID's of a block, we need access to all items and also been able to copy chests would be bloody epic, but part from this I love it.