Posts by ShadowX5452

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    Also, I have to close and open again the chat because I can write only once at a time. After I wrote something and sent it, I can't write again, clicking on the tab where we write won't do anything, so the only option is to close the chat and reopen.
    Trees are now way too bouncy when they are cut down. You can actually see them fly away most of the times.
    Obviously, like it has been already said, the carts end up being tossed over without even touching them, sometimes you log in the game and they end up being on the roof of your building without any reason.
    I haven't played in half a year, so these are the things that I see have changed (for worse) when I updated the game and I started playing again since last month.

    Whoever reads the previous reply, the one in Russian (which I hope the administrators will delete soon), it's about meetings between people, probably for sex. I advice you not to click on the website in order not to be hit by some kind of virus or worse. I've already reported the post, but considering how dead this forum is, I really don't know if the report will actually be read and actions taken against the user.

    Hi there, I'm new on the forum but I've been playing Eco for more than a year now.
    Just out or curiosity (simply because I've just bought a VR headset), are the developers thinking about making Eco VR compatible? It would be great!
    Also, is there an email to send suggestions to the developers in order to, maybe, suggest this idea?
    Thank you!