Beiträge von Cayos

Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    Hey guys first off I want to make sure this is deleted if not allowed, I know the rules mentioned not linking to anything so please delete the post before banning me :).

    I built a tool on my new website to help us share and find laws, You can add your laws with all the details: Name, Reasoning, Description, Screenshot of the Clauses and even the Import Code for the Law-Exporter Mod. Then all you do is share the link like below. Everyone can even up or down vote the law. You do have to login / register to add your law but it only requires and email and password and no activation etc, very simple. Example Below. Thanks Again

    [URL unfurl="true"][/URL]
    One Example law i posted was:…986695368704000

    It also shares very nicely just by pasting the link in discord.

    Let me know your thoughts on this and how it can be improved
