Posts by Sunshadow

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    Thank you for the answers! I'm looking forward to see the new stuff. We already had tons of fun with the game in its current state.

    Maybe also a little feedback why we like this game so much. We are players between 30-40 years old and mostly don't have time to play together during the week. But your system makes it possible to play "asynchron" cooperative. We make plans what to do next and everybody can do his anytime without the others. Most games don't offer this gameplay experience. So keep up the good work!


    I spent many hours in eco now and have some suggestions to improve the experience:

    - Make it possible to define an input and output stockpile for production. Alternative: Define input filters for stockpiles
    - A search function for items would be nice
    - Endgame: Conveyor belts to connect stockpiles/machines which are out of range

    Contracts & laws:
    The current system is very confusing and nobody on my server was able to define simple laws like no harvesting trees in a certain area. The tool looks very mighty, but is not easy to use. Maybe you should use better terms and some examples.

    - With the iron shovel you should be able to carry more than 1 dirt/clay/... You can carry 20 dirt at once when you take it out of the stockpile, but while harvesting you can only carry one. Digging for clay takes too much time compared to mining.
    - It takes also too much time to dig one block deep for building streets with the current system.

    The current format is a bit confusing. Standard format is X,Y,Z and not X,Z,Y. The Z coordinate should also be 0 at sealevel. This would be more intuitive.

    It would be helpful to be able to build floors, roofs, walls, streets by choosing the size. E.g. 10x10, 5x3

    Most things are already on the roadmap.
    I would add the option for a transportation lore for midgame. This would require something like a road element with rails.

    - Building in a 45 degree angle looks weird. Maybe you could add some elements to smooth the block pattern

    - We miss something like a horse drawn carriage for mid game

    - On low populated servers some more automatation would be nice. Maybe a horse drawn carriage could travel along a predefined path (only on roads) and transport goods from A to B

    - No one on my server liked the idea that the game officially is over after 30 days. You put so many hours in building and grinding. We know it is possible to continue to play after the 30 days. But maybe it would be a good idea to add more longterm endgame goals. I'm sure there will be servers running for years without any reset. There should be more than the current main goal to shoot down the asteroid in 30 days.