Beiträge von BeeFTM

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    BeeFTM added a new version:

    BeeFTM hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:

    21. November 2020 um 14:25

    # Fixed - Button wurde nach dem Drücken nicht auf den aktuellen Status zurückgesetzt
    # Hinzugefügt - Vanilla Call-Panel-Unterstützung hinzugefügt

    BeeFTM added a new file:

    25. Dezember 2020 um 14:48

    BeeFTM hat eine neue Datei hinzugefügt:

    25. Dezember 2020 um 14:48

    We need you, we need your Feedback!

    We are working on various mods.

    Since we have almost finished the first mod, we would like to introduce our EHMarket (Beta) - Mod.

    Our Mod's will be available on our Eco Servers - Our new Homepage is still under Construction, because we have many new FREE Stuff for you, like some Steam Keys for Eco, new Ingame Items, Skills and many more:

    We are also Releasing new Mod's for you, specialy for the Eco Community and Server Owners. We are offering Support over Discord. [JOIN US]

    We will Support you in German & English, Ingame, in Discord and also on our Website.

    You can join us also Free in Discord:

    You will find our Server here: EcoHobbits Server Information

    The first Mod is our EHMarket - Mod
    The EHMarkt Mod gives you a whole new way of doing business. Instead of the standard sales tables in ECO, which are always the same, we have created detailed sales stands and tables for you. (Include's new Recipe's to)
    If you are bored of Selling everything in one Table, this is a good Choice for you, because you can Design your Shop completly like you want!
    There will be soon an update, because one feature is currently in Alpha and will come with the Release of EHMarket - Mod.

    Please let us know, what you think about it!

    If you want to know what it is, join us on Discord

    Добры день, извиняюсь если не туда обращаюсь, что то не могу отправить лично сообщение не могу понять это у меня что то с браузером или не активирована функция какая?

    Can you please use English? But i tried to translate it and as far as i can translate it, this is my answer for your Question:
    После регистрации перейдите по адресу: и нажмите «Начать разговор», введите имя здесь и все готово!

    Hey People, Hey Modders out there,
    my problem is, that when i use Blender and Unity, my Objects begin to fly if ingame (Screenshot) and some other issues:

    - Object begin to Fly in distance
    - Rotate direction Ingame is wrong
    - If i import aObject from Blender (.fbx) in Unity,i have to rotate the Object -90that it fits like i have made it
    - If i place the Object the First time, the preview is empty, but after i placed it, picked it up again and after i want to place it again, the preview suddenly shows up. (Scale Factor 50 in unity on Object to get a good size, i had it at 1 before but like on the Screenshot, it was a Tiny Object)
    Yes the preview ist there, but its seem it isnt there because its as big as the World itself like on the Screenshot

    Update: WOW, only Posting this in this Forum did Help me....... everything fixed..... thanks this Forum is awesome!!! :D

    Thank you for your Help with my first ECO MOD! :)

    [DE/EU] Hobbits | Modded Server!

    Join a Server with 60+ active Players - you cant believe this, ok but its true. With 9.0, 5 Gaming Community's have created a BIG ECO Server with German and English Player's.
    Join our Server or our Cooperation Server - Details on our Discord
    [Link at the bottom of this Post]

    We are currently working on our NEW Mods, wich comes with the 9.0 Update, read here more:

    We offer you permanently new Content in Eco like new Items, Skills, Recipes, Events and more, so you will never be bored playing over a long Time. Join our Discord Community, get Ingame Support and also in Discord!

    EHMarket - Mod Beta

    4 Admins
    German & English Support
    Discord (Synced with the Server)
    Stable Server with different Custom Mods
    The World is 1,44 km2 big
    Trading over Discord & Ingame with the API
    Ideas and wishes welcome in Discord

    4 Admins
    Deutsch & Englisch Support
    Discord (Mit dem Server Synchronisiert)
    Stabiler Server mit diversen Mods
    Die Welt ist 1,44km2 groß
    Über Discord gleichzeit Ingame Handel betreiben mit der API
    Anregungen und Wünsche sind in Discord erwünscht

    Our Mods:
    Custom Items,Recipes, Skills & Food
    High Level Storage Rack with 60 Slots
    Farmer Mod with Cows, Chickens, etc.
    Mega Mod Pack (Decorative Pack, Convenience Pack, Features Kit!)
    Tailings Recycler (Get Copper or Iron for Recycling Tailings)
    Custom Automated Doors and Windows

    We are working on our own Mods for Supporter and all other People.

    Unsere Mods:
    Alternative Items,Rezepte, Skills & Essen
    Hochregal mit 60 Plätzen
    Farmer Mod mit Hühnern, Kühen, etc.
    Mega Mod Pack (Dekorations-,Bequemlichkeits- und Ausstattungsset)
    Schlacke Recycler (Erhalte Eisen- oder Kupferbarren fürs Recyceln)
    Alternative sowie Automatisierte Türen & Fenster

    Wir arbeiten an eigene Mods für Supporter und alle anderen Spieler.

    Our Goals
    Trading Skill's without Admin Shop
    Building a Modern City
    Meteor is set to 60 Days

    Unsere Ziele
    Schiftrollen ohne Admin Shop handeln
    Eine Moderne Stadt aufbauen
    Meteor wurde auf 60 Tage gesetzt

    Server IP
    Name: [DE/EU] Hobbits | Modded Server!


    Find us also on

    Our Video:

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