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Hey there!
I was able to fix the most of the issues by myself.
Such simple thinks as the herachy in unity should not be underestimated 
I made the mistake that the object child had the world object component loaded. It seems that it HAS TO be the parent.
In that regard I was able to fix the scale issue and the floating. (the modified Y coord. and the scale value set in unity got transfered into the game)
I set the icon to sprite in unity. Sadly that doesnt help me.
The icon in the Inventory is fine but just not on the map.
The model is btw downloaded from a 3D model providing website. some of them are free.
I tried to get my first mod running but encountered several problems to make it work properly.
1. The WorldObject is floating although I set the shader to Courved.
2. Minimap Icon is super Large
3. The set object scale in transform will only applied to the ghosted object. As soon as I place it, it goes back to its original size.
Here a picture of the object ghost. When it gets placed it looks like in the first Picture. It gets 33% larger.
I would realy appreciate some help since I work to get this running for hours already.
Desperation is creeping in :cry: