Beiträge von Puddingpapst

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    Yes, but the linux version is not officially advertised or supported. It may contain bugs different from the Windows version that are not fixed in the time you might expect. It does NOT support singleplayer. It also doesn't work on Catalina currently. If you buy Eco, you buy the Windows version, linux version is provided as-is with no warranty given.

    Ok, thank you for your fast answer! Much appreciated!


    I found the game and would like to test it, but I only use Linux (Manjaro) and I won't install Windows. I've seen in the Wiki, that Eco seems to support Linux. (Source). I've also seen that on Protondb Eco is marked as "native" in terms of Linux support. (Source) But Eco is listed on Steam and on the official website as only "Windows-Support. Now what's the case? Could I play on Linux Manjaro if I'd buy the game via the website or Steam or wouldn't I be able to do so?

    Thank you for your answers in advance!