Beiträge von TheTrueLM

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    Server Name: GrandPlanGaming High Collab 2 Star Start Player Driven World and Mature Server Discord: y3kt9s9
    Location: Central
    Language: English
    Description: High Collab world that needs your help. We are 14 days in and not enough actives. Wanna be a hero? Join GrandPLanGaming!
    Owner: Doc Holliday
    Whitelist: No
    Connection: Search for GrandPlanGaming
    Current Day: 14
    Difficulty: 1.0, Vanilla
    Size: 1km
    World Objective: Destroy the meteor. Long term.

    I understand that no one wants to play a server 2 weeks in, but trust me when I tell you that we need your help and that there plenty of opportunities! We need Miners, Smelting professionals, Hunters, Engineers, Mechanics, Masons and Carpenters.

    Come be part of a community that needs your help and will welcome you with open arms! We have lots of room around the map for you to set up your operations and prime store spots open in the capital.

    Search for GrandPlanGaming in the server lists

    Hope to see you soon!