Sometimes you can´t switch the Input,Outout or In/Output and the Pipe doesnt switch till restart Server
Posts by Sekoris
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Hi the gate is flying in the distance ;D
Would like to have a Tutorial Video for Lights ;D
Any Info for Factory lose in 7.5? own table or on the new tables?
Maybe you can prevent Place Pipes per Law?
A suggestion. The Ruleswindow with a Scrollbar when the Rules are to long you cant read all
Filter with Stone does not always work. I must sometimes use Wrench to switch the Mode new to Output. In Text i did write Stone.
Ok only JDGarbageManJob Folder inside Mod Folder and JD_Mod inside MOD but same Problem. No Container to build on Anvil and can not Lern Skill
The File JD_Mods is inside JDStorageMod, but have Plus to learn without funktion. And See no Container in Anvil to biult
Hi have Problem with Mod with 7.4.4
Can not lern the Skill and can not see the Container in Anvil for Crafting -
Mod compatible for 7.4?